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Kunstler: Stop and Assess

America has become Alzheimer Nation. Nothing is remembered for more than a few minutes. The news media, which used to function as a sort of collective brain, is a memory hole that events are shoved down and extinguished in. An attack in Syria, you ask? What was that about? Facebook stole your…what? Four lives snuffed out in a… a what? Something about waffles? Trump said… what? Let’s pause today and make an assessment of where things stand in this country as Winter finally coils into Spring.

As you might expect, a nation overrun with lawyers has litigated itself into a cul-de-sac of charges, arrests, suits, countersuits, and allegations that will rack up billable hours until the Rockies tumble. The best outcome may be that half the lawyers in this land will put the other half in jail, and then, finally, there will be space for the rest of us to re-connect with reality.

What does that reality consist of? Troublingly, an economy that can’t go on as we would like it to: a machine that spews out ever more stuff for ever more people. We really have reached limits for an industrial economy based on cheap, potent energy supplies. The energy, oil especially, isn’t cheap anymore. The fantasy that we can easily replace it with wind turbines, solar panels, and as-yet-unseen science projects is going to leave a lot of people not just disappointed but bereft, floundering, and probably dead, unless we make some pretty severe readjustments in daily life.

We’ve been papering this problem over by borrowing so much money from the future to cover costs today that eventually it will lose its meaning as money — that is, faith that it is worth anything. That’s what happens when money is just a representation of debt that can’t be paid back. This habit of heedless borrowing has enabled the country to pretend that it is functioning effectively. Lately, this game of pretend has sent the financial corps into a rapture of jubilation. The market speed bumps of February are behind us and the road ahead looks like the highway to Vegas at dawn on a summer’s day.

Tesla is the perfect metaphor for where the US economy is at: a company stuffed with debt plus government subsidies, unable to deliver the wished-for miracle product — affordable electric cars — whirling around the drain into bankruptcy. Tesla has been feeding one of the chief fantasies of the day: that we can banish climate problems caused by excessive CO2, while giving a new lease on life to the (actually) futureless suburban living arrangement that we foolishly invested so much of our earlier capital building. In other words, pounding sand down a rat hole.

Because none of that is going to happen. The true message of income inequality is that the nation as a whole is becoming incrementally impoverished and eventually even the massive “wealth” of the one-percenters will prove to be fictitious, as the things it is represented in — stocks, bonds, currencies, Manhattan apartments — hemorrhage their supposed value. The very wealthy will be a lot less wealthy while everybody else is in a life-and-death struggle to remain fed, housed, and warm. And, of course, that only increases the chance that some violent social revolution will take away even that remaining residue of wealth, and destroy the people who held it.

What lies ahead is contraction. Of everything. Activity, population. The industrial economy is not going to be replaced by a super high tech utopia, because that wished-for utopia needs an industrial economy underneath to support it. This is true, by the way, for all the other “advanced” nations. China has a few more years of dependable oil supply left and then they will discover that they can no longer manufacture solar panels or perhaps not even run the magnificent electronic surveillance system they are so artfully building. Their political system will prove to be at least as fragile as our own.

The time may even come when the young people, of the USA especially, have to put aside their boundary-smashing frolics of the day and adjust the pre-cooked expectations they’ve been handed to the actual contraction at hand, and what it means for making a life under severely different conditions. It means, better learn how to do something really practical and not necessarily high tech. Better figure out a part of the country that will be safe to live in. Better plan on hunkering down there when the people stuck in the less favorable places make a real mess of things.


156 Comments on "Kunstler: Stop and Assess"

  1. Davy on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 5:10 am 

    “Davy, “the stepping stone to more”. Maybe 20 years ago, not today.”
    Nonsense 3rd world, you are especially wrong today with the specialization that is reality of the modern economy. An undergraduate degree is not much today but it is still prerequisite to a master and doctorate which is required to be an expert in a field. There are exceptions of course.

    “Today it is a stepping stone to debt to the tune of over $1.3 Trillion dollars of student debt and growing.”
    Sure, so is about anything in the world today. Debt is a fact of life.

    “Suckers who fall for the same bullshit you try to push. A college education may be necessary for doctors and other medical professions and a few of the engineering areas, but not much else.”
    Nonsense, there are many carreers that require a basic college degree. You are clueless because you just did construction labor.

    “A waste of 4+ years when you could be paid to learn a skill that WILL be useful and needed in the future. 90% of the degrees today are in fields that will vanish when the SHTF. “
    Sure a vocational degree is increasingly important and advisable for those who want to gravitate towards many traditional careers. These vocational careers still require an associate’s degree. SHTF has not happened yet 3rd world, get a grip. It may not happen for many years.

    “A degree today will not even get you a job at McDonalds. And, the few jobs that those degrees might have gotten you into are now held by the experienced, over 60 crowd who cannot retire.”
    More nonsense in action as usual. You are just making excuses because you are a college drop out. You are an old worn out construction worker. I can do construction work and I have a degree with 25 years in my field.

  2. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 5:56 am 


    You are just a lonely incel…You did nothing to stop the war mongers your whole life. You even joined them for awhile. Shut the hell up. You senile old mummy. You are going to crap your adult diapers soon.

  3. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 6:04 am 

    The world risks a full-blown oil shock within months

  4. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 7:14 am 

    Madkat starter pack

  5. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 7:23 am 

    Dying small rural town in America starter pack

  6. fmr-paultard on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 7:25 am 

    aswang and eurotard hate women. this is why as a tard i can’t score but i love women. whatever failure i experience in my life, i blame myself first. this is the path of life improvement i’ve chosen for myself. i’m sure blaming others can have better benefits to self improvemnet but i’d rather engage in tard research on my own.

    i’m still amazed that supertard launched a blistering attack on me based on the false flag by the sneaky tardhund. he revealed his hand by assuming the identity of the non-hypenated fmr paultard

  7. fmr-paultard on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 7:54 am 

    aswang is saying something like becoming a gearhead. he doesn’t have a degree like a meretard like me with one in liberal arts.

    i’ve never seen a group of people as frustrated and angry as a gearhead. this is becuase without theories taught in liberal arts program, one does not understand his job.

    not understanding thing leads to anger and frustration.

  8. Cloggie on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 11:37 am 

    “Belgium: First Islamic State In Europe?”

    “The leaders of Belgium’s ISLAM Party apparently want to turn Belgium into an Islamic State.

    Good luck with that. Currently Islam is at ca. 5% in Belgium:

    That is admittedly 5% too much, on the other hand, this mass immigration thingy has the advantage that it mobilizes people. It has been peace for far too long already. Everybody is getting decadent, corrupt. Time for some real drama. A good ethnic conflict has the potential to rejuvenate the autochtone population and en passant, here is the opportunity to finally get rid of that Christianity scam once and for all and go “full Roman” again.

    Bring it on, that “Islamic State”.

    “Nearly a third of the population of Brussels already is Muslim, indicated Olivier Servais, a sociologist at the Catholic University of Louvain. “The practitioners of Islam, due to their high birth rate, should be the majority ‘in fifteen or twenty years’. Since 2001… Mohamed is the most common name given to boys born in Brussels”.

    Looking for the worst in Europe? Look no further: Londinistan.

    The major of London even hints at banning Trump:

    Of course, the situation in the US is far worse. All big cities there are majority non-white.

    The beauty of the European situation is that the Muslims can’t be “integrated”. Sooner or later they will give the excuse to intervene. We have seen the mass rapes in Britain and of late in Germany, mega-terrorist attacks and endless scenes like these where they simply can’t control their mouths:

    The coming showdown with Islam in Europe will mark the end of Modernity and Globalism and the beginning of the Archaic Era.

  9. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 11:50 am 


    They have to keep importing migrants to make up for the low fertility rates. To protect and grow their economies. You have no control over this. The world governments aren’t just going to sit back and watch their economies collapse. Maybe your people should have had more babies. And don’t worry those big African Muslim migrants will know just what to do when they see little young whitey! LOL

  10. GregT on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 12:22 pm 

    “Belgium: First Islamic State In Europe?”

    That would be yet another link that Davy found over at his favourite Russian clickbait disinformation site, ‘The Hedge™’.

  11. Cloggie on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 12:31 pm 

    Maybe your people should have had more babies.

    You obviously do not identify with “my people”, eh millikike?

    The world governments aren’t just going to sit back and watch their economies collapse.

    All day long you keep whining about the immanent collapse because of peak oil, but now all of a sudden we need to import darkies into our lands just to keep the economy going. That doesn’t add up.

    The truth of course is that you do not give a shit about peak oil, just like you didn’t gave a shit about climate change when you were still apneaman. You had to morph into millimind just to give yourself an “identitarian reset” in order to restore “identitarian anonimity” after I had called you TalmudTurk a little too often.

    All you care about is inciting a social revolution in North-America which should bring the downfall of American Whitey at the hands of the imported racial revolutionaries, your kind intends to use as a weapon against whitey.

    Remember though that in Eurasia there a lot of folks who want to get rid of the US deep state, to be achieved via a breakup of the country. You should realize that a revolution in North-America will bring Eurasia the opportunity to achieve just that.

    You know what, you better NOT realize it, just bring it on. This is an order.

    And don’t worry those big African Muslim migrants will know just what to do when they see little young whitey! LOL

    The European populists will perfectly know what to do with young male Muslims. Remember that it only took a few ten thousands of Europeans to colonize a darkie country. We maybe a little decadent at times. In general we can be very tough with unwanted foreigners. You should know that like no other.


  12. Davy on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 1:10 pm 

    Neder, what is the population of Muslims in Brussels? That is what the article is about. Get back to me on that one. Let me know if current trends hold what kind of demographics Brussels will have in 20 years.

  13. Cloggie on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 1:54 pm 

    Meathead, you were pushing the idea:

    “Belgium: First Islamic State In Europe?”

    Don’t move the goalpost towards Brussels.

    Again, Europe as a whole is still whiter than America ever has been throuhout its entire existence. You are the first to descend into chaos, not Europe. Worry about yourself and pray we will bail you out, like in 1776.

  14. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 2:04 pm 


    You totally ignore the low fertility rate which is the reason they are bringing in so many migrants. Either start having more babies or other migrants will. The OECD isn’t going to just sit back and watch their economies collapse because you want an all tubby, imbecile- all white race. You think your white trash populist movements are going to defeat the masters of the world. I mean do you realize you are fucking with the worlds most powerful people and institutions? Just wait and see what happens to your dear leader Putin. they are not only going to make an example out of him. Just one false flag away!

  15. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 2:06 pm 

    The world risks a full-blown oil shock within months

    What happens when $250 trillion in global debt runs smack into $100/bbl oil?

    Hint hint..Global Collapse….

  16. joe on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 2:26 pm 

    It’s interesting to see mm talking such racism. His concept of the pastey white man is horribly ignorant and wrong. What colour does he think the vanguard of isis are? Or was? Its called Caucasian because they come from the Caucasis region of southern Russia aka white people. Egyptians and North Africans, not exactly black. While I agree that inviting in the most barbaric people on earth into their towns and villages is a mistake beyond anything that’s ever happened to Europeans much worse than any war, I doubt it’s anything to do with race, beyond the obvious, that is one world government. Clearly has never been to Europe, if he did he would see society that is living in an uneasy peace. Right now power is squarely held by the socialist atheist/secular governments of Europe. Each western war, illegal invasion and ecological tragedy delivers to Europe’s doorstep rivers of humans looking for safety. The intentionally meant policy of using abortion, liberalism, and affirmative action to tip the balance away from the superior, to the inferior (people like mm) and hope it comes out ok. Syrians (another white race) and Iranians (lots of blondes there too) are succeeding where Iraqi Arabs failed so horribly. The whites must be suppressed because of their success, people need to stop equating the affirmative action second rate society to the great successes and noble achievements of white european male society.

  17. Cloggie on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 3:00 pm 

    “I”ll scratch your back if you scratch mine!”


  18. Davy on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 3:13 pm 

    “Don’t move the goalpost towards Brussels.”

    Read the article stupid or is it too brutal? Nothing in the article about goal posts. The goal post moved is with you trying to deflect the issue of Brussels turning Muslim.

  19. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 3:21 pm 

    Dying small rural town in America starter pack

    “This town ain’t what it used to be”

    Good I hope all small towns die and suffer…Scum fuck trump voters.

  20. Cloggie on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 3:47 pm 

    Read the article or is it too brutal? Nothing in the article about goal posts. The goal post moved is with you trying to deflect the issue of Brussels turning Muslim.

    Islam Belgium 5%. Forget about your “Islamic State Belgium”.

    I hope you have your one-way ticket into Italian safety ready, so you can flee with your tail between your legs, while the real men of European caliber solve the problems in North-America and take it under control again. People like you can’t rule themselves, all they can is piss their country away to hostile foreigners, while being henpecked by the likes of Soros and millikike.

  21. Cloggie on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 3:52 pm 

    Good I hope all small towns die and suffer…Scum fuck trump voters.

    Millikike implies that his revolutionaries of color will finish whitey of. And that is the intention of his tribe.

    What happened to the Russians in 1917, is now going to happen to white Americans. This time the revolutionary proletariat will be of color, but again headed by the Lenin’s, Trotzky’s, Soros, etc.

    1965: (((LBJ))) signing the immigration act that would change the face of America, while naive Americans are standing by. The purpose of the Act was to bring the future proletariate into the country to could be use against the white majority. Now the white majority is no longer a majority (under 20).

  22. GregT on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 4:16 pm 

    From Davy’s Zerohedge Russian clickbait article:

    “Two years later, during the 2014 parliamentary elections, the ISLAM Party tried to expand its base in two constituencies, Brussels-City and Liège. Once again, the results were impressive for a party that favors the introduction of sharia, Islamic law, into Belgium. In Brussels, they won 9,421 votes (almost 2%).”

    Wow Davy, almost 2% is a lot. Your evil muslims, which BTW, your own ZOG was instrumental in displacing in the first place, certainly have a bit of work to do if they have any hope of completely taking over Brussels within the next 11 1/2 years.

  23. GregT on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 4:28 pm 

    This just in:

    According to CNN,

    By 2040, Islam could be the second-largest religion in the US

    And the last time I checked, CNN isn’t on CEPA’s list of websites spreading Russian clickbait disinformation.

  24. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 4:36 pm 


    Good thing there won’t be any America by 2040…

  25. Boat on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 4:44 pm 


    Poland doesn’t allow Muslim immigrants so why do you? Get out the vote for all immigration is a danger for the world’s carrying capacity. The hating strategy is so old WWII.

  26. Davy on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 4:47 pm 

    Greggie, we are talking 2020 or did you go off topic. Do you think Muslims are evil? I don’t but I would expect that out of you becuase of the company you keep. The purpose of the comment is directed toward the nedernazi who routinely crows about how aweful the multicultural situation is in the US. Looks like it
    Is also bad in his neighborhood.

  27. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 5:02 pm 


    From Natalie Portman to Iran, the Telltale Signs That Israel May Have a Loose Screw

  28. Davy on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 6:02 pm 

    correction: 2040

  29. Davy on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 6:18 pm 

    “North Korea’s nuclear test site has collapsed … and that may be why Kim Jong-un suspended tests”

    “North Korea’s mountain nuclear test site has collapsed, putting China and other nearby nations at unprecedented risk of radioactive exposure, two separate groups of Chinese scientists studying the issue have confirmed. The collapse after five nuclear blasts may be why North Korean leader Kim Jong-un declared on Friday that he would freeze the hermit state’s nuclear and missile tests and shut down the site, one researcher said.”

    “The mountain’s surface had shown no visible damage after four underground nuclear tests before 2017. But the 100-kilotonne bomb that went off on September 3 vaporised surrounding rocks with unprecedented heat and opened a space that was up to 200 metres (656 feet) in diameter, according to a statement posted on the Wen team’s website on Monday.”

  30. makati1 on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 6:34 pm 

    “Do you think Muslims are evil?” Muslims are not evil but until the door swings both ways, I think it should be contained. Do you understand Sharia law Davy? How many of these could you survive?

    “• Theft is punishable by amputation of the hands (Quran 5:38).
    • Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
    • Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
    • Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death (see Allah moon god).
    • A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death (See Compulsion).
    • A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
    • A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
    • A woman or girl who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
    • Testimonies of 4 male witnesses are required to prove rape of a female (Quran 24:13).
    • A woman or girl who alleges rape without producing 4 male witnesses is guilty of adultery.
    • A woman or girl found guilty of adultery is punishable by death (see “Islamophobia”).
    • A male convicted of rape can have his conviction dismissed by marrying his victim.
    • Muslim men have sexual rights to any woman/girl not wearing the Hijab (see Taharrush).
    • A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
    • A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
    • Girls’ clitoris should be cut (Muhammad’s words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
    • A man can beat his wife for insubordination (see Quran 4:34 and Religion of Peace).
    • A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a wife needs her husband’s consent to divorce.
    • A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
    • A woman’s testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man’s.
    • A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits (see Mathematics in Quran).
    • A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
    • Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah – i.e., be “Halal.”
    • Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.

    Maybe you should ask females or gays what they think? Your view doesn’t count.

  31. makati1 on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 6:47 pm 

    You might also read these:

    “Sharia law in the United States of America (“America”) has reached penetration phase 3 (see Spread of Islam)….An increasing number of America’s public schools are commemorating Muslim holidays, serving Halal food,…In 2000, the Republican National Convention became the first US presidential convention to open with a Muslim prayer to Allah….In 2007, Quran for the first time was used to swear into office a new US Congressman, Keith Ellison (right)….”

    “Estimated to be five million, the Muslim population in USA today is about the size of the Hispanic population 27 years ago, but it is growing six times faster than the national rate, thanks to high rates of birth, immigration and conversions.

    Islam’s growth in American prisons is particularly troubling. About 80% of Americans who convert to a religion while in prison become Muslim, who now comprise about 20% of U.S. prison population. The conversion rate is especially high among African-American inmates.

    During the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, whose father and stepfather were Muslims, Islamic groups, including Muslim Brotherhood’s Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), penetrated the highest levels of the U.S. government.”

    Hmm. 20% of inmates or about 500,000 converts of people who are peaceful, law abiding, and educated citizens who would never do anything against the law. But which law?

  32. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 6:55 pm 


    Your country is the one swimming with ISIS. Maybe you should clean up your own backyard first.

  33. makati1 on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 7:01 pm 

    MM, “My country is the Us”. My adopted country is the Ps. Can’t you remember that fact?

    If there are any ISIS left here, they were brought by your country to cause problems. However the Prez here has about cleaned up that mess. Most of them are already dead and the rest are being pursued by the Ps military. You have zero real knowledge of the Ps except the US propaganda you are fed 24/7/365.

  34. Boat on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 7:24 pm 

    If Sharia law Muslims attempt to practice what they preach they usually end up dead. There are hundreds of millions of Muslims that support peace and just want the best for their families. Just like most countries.

  35. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 7:41 pm 


    You are not an American. You are a traitor..And you should be burned at the stake!

  36. makati1 on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 8:05 pm 

    That’s funny MM.

    My passport says I am an American.
    Social Security says I am an American.
    The IRS says I am an American.
    My banks say I am an American.
    My driver’s license says I am an American.

    I am just one of many millions of Americans who have decided to live outside the Us Iron Curtain. I am an awake American. You are a brainwashed zombie with an American address. Nothing more.

  37. makati1 on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 8:07 pm 

    Boat, you are correct, but it is the few who will ruin it for the rest. The laws are still the laws and wanting peace does not change them.

  38. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 8:07 pm 

    Rage at Globalism Is Just the Beginning

  39. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 8:36 pm 


    You are not an American. I dont care what is written on paper. You are a coward and pussy. I bet when the oil runs short countries like yours will get zero oil imports. And what are you going to do about it? Sorry. You are going to starve or turn into zombie food.

    Here is the proof. Six Science studies authored by top experts. You are no expert, you don’t even have a college degree. Most likely not even a high school. And your high school was a joke compare to mine. You didn’t even have to learn how to use a computer.

  40. makati1 on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 8:56 pm 

    MM… A suicidal, unemployed, immature, uneducated, sex addict living in Mom’s basement is hardly qualified to judge anyone.

    Stick those “studies” where the sun doesn’t shine and think for yourself. Oh, that’s right. you are mot allowed to think for yourself in Gulag America. Awww! Maybe you need to visit one of these?

    BTW: It is a beautiful, sunny, 86F day here in the Ps, and I’m enjoying every minute of it. I got my April SS and am heading to the stores to stock up on preps. Keep warm! LMAO

  41. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 9:03 pm 


    I am not unemployed living with my mom. I haven’t lived with my parents in 14 years. I am on vacation for a year. I took a leave of absence last July. Since I truly believe our society is going to collapse in the next decade. And I will never get to retire. I have told you this and Greg like five fucking times. Unlike you I work with my mind as a research scientist. And unlike you I have an actual education. I wasnt some white trash construction worker farting all day for a living. lol

  42. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 9:06 pm 


    There are thousands of colleges that do stupid shit. You are so jealous because you lack knowledge and you college was to hard for you. Stick to hammering nails…Do what the Mexicans do now..LOL

  43. makati1 on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 10:08 pm 

    MM, …you are unemployed and living with your mom. Prove otherwise. LOL

  44. makati1 on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 10:10 pm 

    MM… you are the one who wasted years of his life paying for some underachiever to tell you how to live and what to think. LOL

  45. makati1 on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 10:15 pm 

    “Naturally the common people don’t want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY.” – Goering at the Nuremberg Trials

    “That quote should be enshrined in some Hall of Fame for the truth about the masses. The sad reality is how it resonates so well nowadays in Amerika. …

    The public schools are increasingly underfunded, and the curricula are set up in primary and middle schools to ‘teach for the testing’ and not for rational thinking. Overt and covert militarism has flooded our schools, our local governments and of course our media. All of these institutions make sure to drum home that ‘We are at war’ and to ‘follow the flag’. The Pentagon is so infused with our educational system that they use our schools and scholastic sporting events as recruitment material. How many times must we see soldiers in camouflage marching on the fields of play before or during games? They cover the football field or basketball courts with giant flags, right out of the Goebbels playbook.”

    Read “1984” and look in the mirror…

  46. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 10:29 pm 


    Nice sophisticated sources you troll. You are just a dumb angry INCEL! You wife found someone better than you. Likely someone with an education and wasn’t a greasy, stinky, construction worker.

  47. makati1 on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 10:30 pm 

    MM, truth is truth, no matter the source. You just don’t like your face being pushed into it.

  48. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 10:39 pm 


    Why do you have to cite such fringe sources? Oh yea because its not true. You are just a easily fooled by fake news. you would never make it in college now of days. You would be laughed out of the class room citing zerohedge.

  49. Boat on Wed, 25th Apr 2018 10:54 pm 


    Typically construction workers don’t get greasy. There are literally hundreds of small procedures requiring different skill sets with different equipment to accomplish large projects. There are codes and laws to comply with and even procurement of materials and bidding require advanced skills. You won’t last long in that business without brains. Even the grunt work has to be watched closely if you don’t want the time and cost of redoing work.
    This ain’t daddy building a barn in the 50’s. In the real world margins are tight enough you better know your shyt.

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