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Page added on April 23, 2018

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Kunstler: Stop and Assess

America has become Alzheimer Nation. Nothing is remembered for more than a few minutes. The news media, which used to function as a sort of collective brain, is a memory hole that events are shoved down and extinguished in. An attack in Syria, you ask? What was that about? Facebook stole your…what? Four lives snuffed out in a… a what? Something about waffles? Trump said… what? Let’s pause today and make an assessment of where things stand in this country as Winter finally coils into Spring.

As you might expect, a nation overrun with lawyers has litigated itself into a cul-de-sac of charges, arrests, suits, countersuits, and allegations that will rack up billable hours until the Rockies tumble. The best outcome may be that half the lawyers in this land will put the other half in jail, and then, finally, there will be space for the rest of us to re-connect with reality.

What does that reality consist of? Troublingly, an economy that can’t go on as we would like it to: a machine that spews out ever more stuff for ever more people. We really have reached limits for an industrial economy based on cheap, potent energy supplies. The energy, oil especially, isn’t cheap anymore. The fantasy that we can easily replace it with wind turbines, solar panels, and as-yet-unseen science projects is going to leave a lot of people not just disappointed but bereft, floundering, and probably dead, unless we make some pretty severe readjustments in daily life.

We’ve been papering this problem over by borrowing so much money from the future to cover costs today that eventually it will lose its meaning as money — that is, faith that it is worth anything. That’s what happens when money is just a representation of debt that can’t be paid back. This habit of heedless borrowing has enabled the country to pretend that it is functioning effectively. Lately, this game of pretend has sent the financial corps into a rapture of jubilation. The market speed bumps of February are behind us and the road ahead looks like the highway to Vegas at dawn on a summer’s day.

Tesla is the perfect metaphor for where the US economy is at: a company stuffed with debt plus government subsidies, unable to deliver the wished-for miracle product — affordable electric cars — whirling around the drain into bankruptcy. Tesla has been feeding one of the chief fantasies of the day: that we can banish climate problems caused by excessive CO2, while giving a new lease on life to the (actually) futureless suburban living arrangement that we foolishly invested so much of our earlier capital building. In other words, pounding sand down a rat hole.

Because none of that is going to happen. The true message of income inequality is that the nation as a whole is becoming incrementally impoverished and eventually even the massive “wealth” of the one-percenters will prove to be fictitious, as the things it is represented in — stocks, bonds, currencies, Manhattan apartments — hemorrhage their supposed value. The very wealthy will be a lot less wealthy while everybody else is in a life-and-death struggle to remain fed, housed, and warm. And, of course, that only increases the chance that some violent social revolution will take away even that remaining residue of wealth, and destroy the people who held it.

What lies ahead is contraction. Of everything. Activity, population. The industrial economy is not going to be replaced by a super high tech utopia, because that wished-for utopia needs an industrial economy underneath to support it. This is true, by the way, for all the other “advanced” nations. China has a few more years of dependable oil supply left and then they will discover that they can no longer manufacture solar panels or perhaps not even run the magnificent electronic surveillance system they are so artfully building. Their political system will prove to be at least as fragile as our own.

The time may even come when the young people, of the USA especially, have to put aside their boundary-smashing frolics of the day and adjust the pre-cooked expectations they’ve been handed to the actual contraction at hand, and what it means for making a life under severely different conditions. It means, better learn how to do something really practical and not necessarily high tech. Better figure out a part of the country that will be safe to live in. Better plan on hunkering down there when the people stuck in the less favorable places make a real mess of things.


156 Comments on "Kunstler: Stop and Assess"

  1. penury on Mon, 23rd Apr 2018 3:23 pm 

    As has been said before “that which cannot continue, will not”

  2. Outcast_Searcher on Mon, 23rd Apr 2018 3:51 pm 

    Wrong. Some of us remember decades of wrong calls, like how Y2K was going to rock our world, and an endless doomer mantra.

    But neither Kunstler nor fast crash doomers want to hear that, since Kunstler is peddling doom for dollars.

  3. Davy on Mon, 23rd Apr 2018 4:08 pm 

    OS, you have any worries or is all rosy and peachy? I think a certain amount of doom is warranted and should be respected. You are just crowing because nothing happened and ignoring how bad 08 could have been. Show some balance and you will be respected more BTW why hang out on a doom based site?

  4. makati1 on Mon, 23rd Apr 2018 7:35 pm 

    “America has become Alzheimer Nation. Nothing is remembered for more than a few minutes. The news media, which used to function as a sort of collective brain, is a memory hole that events are shoved down and extinguished in. …

    This habit of heedless borrowing has enabled the country to pretend that it is functioning effectively….

    What lies ahead is contraction. Of everything. Activity, population….

    The time may even come when the young people, of the USA especially, have to put aside their boundary-smashing frolics of the day and adjust the pre-cooked expectations they’ve been handed to the actual contraction at hand, and what it means for making a life under severely different conditions. It means, better learn how to do something really practical and not necessarily high tech. Better figure out a part of the country that will be safe to live in. Better plan on hunkering down there when the people stuck in the less favorable places make a real mess of things.”


  5. Anonymouse1 on Mon, 23rd Apr 2018 7:57 pm 

    Exceptionalist, one here assigned you the ‘job’ of deciding what constitutes ‘balance’. As for ‘respect’, that has only meaning for you, comments that you personally approve of. That is to say, ones that comport with your narrow, bigoted, and provincial views. Well, for the umpteeth time, you are not in charge of anything, or anyone here. Try to deal with facts like this as best you can, pending, what one would hope,is a long overdue, and extended visit at a mental health-care facility.

  6. Brent Georgeson on Mon, 23rd Apr 2018 8:10 pm 

    I always love how the cornucopias say we are smart then say peak oil is not real because it has not happened yet. Well smart people never say never they always leave it open to other possibilities.

  7. MASTERMIND on Mon, 23rd Apr 2018 8:21 pm 

    Kuntsler thinks that the future is low tech and we will all go back to living a simpler life..No chaos,,no rioting, .LOL too bad the when the global economy collapses. That is the ball game.

  8. makati1 on Mon, 23rd Apr 2018 8:34 pm 

    Collapse can happen slowly and the chaos will not occurs. Just a gradual decline for everyone in everything. No massive deaths, just an increase in natural causes dues to lack of medical resources and the current obesity epidemic in the West.

    But, I would give it a 20% chance of happening that way. Fast collapse of the West would be best for the rest of the world. We shall see.

  9. GregT on Mon, 23rd Apr 2018 10:02 pm 

    “Kuntsler thinks that the future is low tech and we will all go back to living a simpler life..No chaos,,no rioting, .LOL ”

    Um, actually MM, what Kunstler said was:

    “Better figure out a part of the country that will be safe to live in. Better plan on hunkering down there when the people stuck in the less favorable places make a real mess of things”

    You would be smart to heed his advice. Just saying.

  10. fmr-paultard on Mon, 23rd Apr 2018 10:29 pm 

    i admit lazy man farming is inferior to hydroponic because the yield is poor on hard soil. this is because the first and most important job for plant to set down roots and it marshalls all energy to do it, leaving nothing for yield. hydroponic dips the roots directly in water and solves the tilling problem.

    lazy man farming is my independent invention after realizing that tall plants get everything by having deep roots. by pumping ground water, we give small plants the same “virtual” deep roots.

    Everything is good to an approximation.

    hydroponic also brings us closer to ag. as a manufacturing domain.

    since nature is infinitely complex, we can’t negotiate and have a covenant with nature the way some permacultists think. we have to bring the problem into well defined parameters in the manufacturing domain.

    as for low tech stuff…that’s boring. we need high tech to defeat highly constructed and deceptive spiritual.

    although religion can be debunked by supertards, there are supertards who defend religions such as david wood and for good causes and reasons. in that case where spirtuals turns destructive as in the case of suicide bombings or jim jones, then smart bombs will break a tie. that’s the role of technolgy.

  11. Cloggie on Mon, 23rd Apr 2018 11:16 pm 

    “Better figure out a part of the country that will be safe to live in. ”

    One wonders what the characteristics are of these “parts”. Kunstler is probably to PC to go into detail here.

  12. MASTERMIND on Mon, 23rd Apr 2018 11:21 pm 


    There is no place safe. This is the first global collapse in history. And when it hits the nuke plants will melt down and it will be NTHE! Maybe if you live in the rain forest and the nuclear glaze doesn’t reach you.

  13. Cloggie on Mon, 23rd Apr 2018 11:32 pm 

    Media in Europe worried. Macron and Trump like each other too much. What are they up to?

    DJT: “Emmanuel, what’s up!”

    Macron has replaced Merkel as European point of treference.

  14. makati1 on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 1:33 am 

    Still flogging that preadolescent view of the future, MM? Collapse will not mean instand end. Even nuclear war will leave most alive to find a way to live in a different world. Slow death to be sure. I do agree that those not living in the 1st world will be more likely to survive.

  15. makati1 on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 3:13 am 

    ” Never in human history has there been more control of a singular message. Yes, the Nazis maintained such control over the Third Reich. And it’s true the Chinese Communists under Chairman Mao flipped the light switch of truth on and off alternatively. However, these regimes did not hold a candle to the blistering and blinding brainwashing that our western mainstream media radiates today. What we are witnessing is almost on the level of total mind control, even to the point of herding humanity to its own doom. For those of us who somehow woke up out of the trance, the sheer magnitude of control almost cauterizes the brain. …

    Like all the other suction cups on this octopus’ information tentacles, these alleged journalists lie….

    For more than four years now independent and alternative media have investigated and uncovered the tentacles of this misinformation octopus. But the head of the beast, the purpose and soul behind the dark eyes focused on Russia, Putin, anyone or anything in opposition to the so-called “new order” has remained obscure. We can certify the technocrats and banking elites stand behind these new world crises, but discovering any single kingpin running the new war on Russia has proven difficult. …

    Vladimir Putin did try and align Russia with Europe. But the EU banksters eventually needed to punish him for breaking up the Rothschild led privatization of Putin’s country.”

    “…these regimes did not hold a candle to the blistering and blinding brainwashing that our western mainstream media radiates today. What we are witnessing is almost on the level of total mind control…” Wake Up America!

  16. Theedrich on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 4:16 am 

    The U.S. is earth’s terminal cancer.  Under the guise of Yid-Cretian “goodness,” it has turned homo sapiens into a maniacal, planeticidal species.  The dysgenic, psychopathic Jews who run America hate mankind and have mongrelized it into a septic cesspool of ecocidal scavengers everywhere.  The globe’s oceans, now filling up with discarded plastics and other poisons, are plagued by expanding dead zones and even by radioactive swill from an earthquake-destroyed nuke plant in Japan.  Western European cultures which were once civilized have become putrefying sewers of negrifying halfbreeds run by Whites obsessed with virtue-signaling.  And dangling above the heads of all is the Damocles sword of the American nuclear threat.

    Vast stretches of topsoil have been eroded in the name of “productivity,” and aquifers have been drained to support the insatiable demands of “democratic” cultures earth-wide.  All higher mammalian life has been reduced to the point of extinction.  Gaia is dying.

    The only remaining, very slim hope is for America to be annihilated in some way.  Because that is the last chance to prevent our planet from becoming an utter failure as far as intelligence is concerned.

  17. makati1 on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 5:30 am 

    But, Theedrich, the Jews only view this planet as a stepping stone to that land of forever paradise where they will live happily forever after. Ditto for most religions. Why worry about a planet that is not part of their eternity?

    Religions are the basis of the human species suicide. Those of us who tore off the ignorance of religion just want them to go away and let the rest of the planet alone. The fall of the Us and Israel would be a good start. Today?

  18. Davy on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 5:59 am 

    “How High Is The Risk Of A Currency Crisis?”

    “Monetary policymakers’ unprecedented market interventions have not only prevented the global debt pyramid from crashing down, but they have also set into motion a renewed economic upswing (“boom”), which, however, has increased the world economy’s debt load significantly…Particularly tricky is that the debt growth in the last decades has taken place in an environment of remarkably suppressed borrowing costs.”

    “Maturing debt, as well as new debt, has been financed at very low interest rates. As a result, economic activity can be assumed to depend on the continuation of central banks’ expansionary monetary policy more than ever. If interest rates remain artificially low, the global boom stands a good chance to continue. However, if interest rates rise, and reach a level that is too high, boom will turn into bust.”

    “Ludwig von Mises put it succinctly: “In the opinion of the public, more inflation and more credit expansion are the only remedies against the evils which inflation and credit expansion have brought about.”

    “The effect of artificially lowered interest rates is doing great economic harm. It discourages savings, boosts consumption, and encourages investments — the kind of investments that would not have been undertaken had the interest rate not been manipulated downwards. Artificially suppressed borrowing costs make debt burdens of consumers, firms, and governments rise. The result is a distortion of the economies’ production and employment structure.”

    “While such a monetary policy can prevent a credit crisis occasionally, it runs the risk to eventually resulting in a “currency crisis.” In a currency crisis, investors become worried that the purchasing power of their money will go down. A currency crisis would be a severe threat to the fiat money system, possibly even exceeding the drama of a credit crisis. This is because central banks would have to dispel peoples’ inflation concerns by tightening monetary policy for all eyes to see: hiking interest rates and reigning in credit and money supply growth. This would, of course, deal a massive blow to financially overstretched economies.”

  19. Davy on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 6:00 am 

    I highlight this article because I feel the economic situation is one of the dangers to the status quo that other issues treat as a constant. When you hear talk on climate change it is with the global economy in an average growth constant. Renewable growth is discussed with the same. Renewables have come down in cost but it is not the equipment that is the issue longer term it is the renewable based grid system being developed that will be expensive. When you incorporate storage, backup, and enhanced grid then the price goes up. This then points to energy that is more economic influenced and derived. Oil many times is discussed in an environment of average growth constant economy. This is particularly interesting because unconventionals are the type of oil that is manufactured so to speak. It requires higher prices because the finished product from these sources is more expensive hence more economic resource. We now have new energy resources that are economic driven not less at a time our quality easy to get conventionals are in depletion. We have a social safety net of pensions, welfare, and medical aid that is also more economic. These have expanded rapidly recently because of organic need and because the repressed/enhanced economic environment.

    Repressed rates and enhanced liquidity is simulative to growth. The basics of market based capitalism has now been infected with repressed/enhanced economics. Price discovery is distorted and the pruning that occurs with the business cycle has been suppressed. So we can take this to a further dimension of repressed/enhanced/suppressed. This then has allowed behavioral changes. We as a society are binging. Not all of society because we are now in a wealth transfer environment where malinvestment is occurring. This is a form of decay. Some parts of the economy and the social fabric are being gutted for new high growth areas that in many cases are malinvestment. This repression, enhancement, and suppression is causing new money to seek out yields instead of productivity. Productivity is requires for sustainability and resilience. Yields are extremes. This is the parasitic nature of this central bank influenced financialization. These distortions go further by creating corruption of normal business practices and the basic rule of law. So we now go a step further with the corruption of repression, enhancement, and suppression. Once corruption enters the system then systematic decay will occur randomly. Basic wisdom is thwarted for “whatever” it takes of extend and pretend which is a Ponzi arrangement.

    Referring back to the article we see this new normal of repression, enhancement, and suppression with distorted and corrupted behavior can continue on for some time. An artificial programed confidence has been created. On this credit confidence side we are locked in because central banks control credit creation and the basis of this systematic process is credit. If perturbations concern occur central banks deal with it through credit support. The issue then becomes a currency crisis because if ever confidence is lost in currencies or in a more important view of “value” we could still see hyperinflation. Global currency amounts are huge and dwarf other sectors. These are also notional digital creations like derivatives. Central banks can influence deflation at least in the beginning of this process but not hyperinflation loss of confidence. If central banks lose control of confidence and hyperinflation occurs their traditional tools will not work because of the debt load that has spread systematic risk into every corner of the global economy.

    It appears we are setting ourselves up for economic overshoot which mirrors our population and consumption overshoot. Economically we are pushing ourselves across boundaries with linear policies that dwell in a circular world. This is just another Ponzi arrangement of the human condition. If I have doom now it is with the understanding this can go on a while but there is no hope of a happy ending because “ALL” Ponzi arrangements end in tears and bubbles deflate and often times catastrophically. The physics of natural law dictate this. We are a linear system in a finite circular planet. We are destroying circular natural systems and pushing our civilization beyond stable boundaries ever further from resilience and sustainability. So yea I am still a doomer I just am a mystic on the when.

  20. MinorityofOne on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 6:41 am 

    “What lies ahead is contraction. Of everything. Activity, population.”
    That is a pretty good way of putting it, given that sometime this century we will in all likelihood be producing zero oil.
    Since the current situation could be described as extreme-overshoot, maybe the contraction will be quick and painful, and a blessing for the rest of life on this planet.

  21. MASTERMIND on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 7:12 am 


    You have no reason to believe only a US collapse. And I have gave you several reasons to believe its a global collapse. You are just a science denier because you are an old uneducated construction worker.

  22. MASTERMIND on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 7:25 am 

    Walmart’s CEO earns 1,188 times as much as the company’s median worker

  23. kanon on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 7:34 am 

    I prefer the simpler explanation. America is a society dominated by the banking cartel and the “economy” has been designed to maximize the wealth and power of the banking cartel owners. The ability to create and issue money is the key resource of the banking cartel, but this is not a resource that stands on its own. It requires a population that is manipulated into a dependency by requiring money for all aspects of survival and gain and measuring status in terms of money. However, the society and economy under this monetary influence is not rational and the contradictions, fallacies, and malinvestments eventually come to dominate the situation. It is easier to fool people than to persuade them that they have been duped, so we search the statistics and economic doctrines for clues as to what is wrong, and never consider that it was foolish to serve such masters in the first place.

  24. Davy on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 8:03 am 

    Kannon, being simple glosses over the global arrangement of a handful of central banks in competition and cooperating. It involves national trade policies as well as multinationals. This also included the forex complex larger than any nationals and any central bank including the FED. You also glossed over the self-organization of a huge civilization system beyond human control as well as the overriding planetary influence. I feel you simplified so you could point fingers at one group as if that group could be eliminated and all would be well. While I agree with some of your comment I would add what you describe is a subset of a much bigger picture.

  25. kanon on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 9:17 am 

    Some say the forest cannot be seen for the trees. The self-organization of a huge civilization does seem to be a vast impenetrable construction, but I think the self-organizing concept is an important key. I saw a video describing how the movement of a flock of birds is based on each bird responding to the three (or five) nearest birds. The seeming magically coordinated dips and swerves of the flock are the result of a fairly simple algorithm. So the inherent social hierarchy or civilization, once defined by money, can be directed into patterns by the terms imposed by those who control money. You will observe that the ability to meter out money is characteristic of all higher-up positions in the hierarchy. I do not mean to suggest that elimination of the banking cartel would be a panacea. I would also say that humanity can only be lead when they are willing to follow. But I do think that we cannot deal with our situation if we do not dissect it accurately. The monetary logic of the banking cartel creates an ever deepening dependency on money and debt (usury) like a form of Stockholm syndrome. We are trapped in our minds because we believe we need to act in an “economically” rational manner in terms of bank cartel money rather than in terms of human and environmental needs. The tail is wagging the dog, so to speak. Why is environmental protection a cost, i.e. a punishment rather than a capital asset? Why are forests valued only as board feet of lumber? Why was suburbia (and all the associated monthly payments and consumerism) so strongly promoted and subsidized? It is because we are dominated by the banking cartel and their culture.

  26. Davy on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 9:48 am 

    The banking cartel (global) is now trapped in their own creation. They left port into uncharted waters so they are little more than pawns themselves to their own hubris. While I agree with your analogy of a flock of birds that doesn’t work well when scaled to billions of simultaneous decisions. I do agree with your point to a point.

  27. joe on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 10:07 am 

    The problem with the concentration of wealth is that it buys nothing. Concentrated wealth is ‘dead’ money. America hasn’t learned from the French/Russian/Communist revolutions they think that people will simply go along with everything. De Tocville wrote that the cause of revolution is not hunger, but rising expected benefits which are not forthcoming. The west has invited the world to live in its cities and freed its women from back braking labour using abortions and machines. Women and minorities stand to lose the most as they expect to gain control, but now at the limit of what liquidity and environment can do, their promise will vanish. Expect to see blood in the streets. But first we have to reach a point where governments have to order women back home and decide if they wish to retain a white society.

  28. MASTERMIND on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 10:21 am 


    Trade war with US could be the tipping point for China’s $14 trillion debt-ridden economy

    China’s debt-to-GDP has ballooned to more than 300 percent from 160 percent a decade ago. Chinese officials now warn of a financial-sector debt bubble that’s waiting to burst.

  29. kanon on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 10:53 am 

    I don’t think the banking cartel is trapped. They can always engineer a financial crash and alternately, many are asking for more inflation. It is not about the economy except preventing an insurrection. It is about a small group being able to manipulate a larger group. War is always an option. They will only be trapped when their control of the money system is taken away. Then we will have new, hopefully better, problems

  30. GregT on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 11:01 am 

    The banking cartel is itching to get another one of their major wars started, so they can once again bring entire nations to their knees, and lap up everything in sight for pennies on the dollar.

    The same as it ever was.

  31. GregT on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 11:06 am 

    “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.”

    ― Napoléon Bonaparte

    The same as it ever was.

  32. GregT on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 11:11 am 

    “They will only be trapped when their control of the money system is taken away.”

    End the Fed.

  33. Cloggie on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 1:32 pm 

    Buchanan: America’s Unsustainable Empire

  34. MASTERMIND on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 1:33 pm 


    The government chooses the leader of the FED..Enough with your banker paranoia and conspiracy theories. Show some evidence of what you assert or please stop.

  35. GregT on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 3:02 pm 


    “The government chooses the leader of the FED.”

    Wrong. The chairman is not the ‘leader’ of the Fed.

    “Appointment of the Chairman:”

    “The chairman is picked from one of the seven members of the Board of Governors. As set forth in the Banking Act of 1935, the president appoints the seven members of the Board of Governors, who are then confirmed by the Senate. Members of the Fed serve staggered terms of 14 years and may not be removed for their policy opinions. The president nominates a chairman and vice chair, both of whom the Senate must also confirm. The chairman and vice chairman are appointed to four-year terms and can be reappointed, subject to term limitations.”

    “Duties of the Chairman:”

    “One of the chairman’s most important duties is to serve as the chair of the Federal Open Markets Committee (FOMC), which is critical in setting short-term U.S. monetary policy.”

    “The Federal Open Markets Committee”

    “The FOMC meets eight times a year and is comprised of the seven members of the Board of Governors, along with five reserve presidents of the Fed. The president of the New York reserve bank serves continuously, while the other four bank presidents rotate regularly.”

    The Fed presidents are the leaders, followed by the ‘board’ and the chairman is their spokesperson.

  36. MASTERMIND on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 3:09 pm 


    My apologies. I stand corrected.

  37. Cloggie on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 3:12 pm 

    Mllimind’s global depression strikes again:

    Romania’s growth rate one of the largest on the planet: 7%

  38. Dredd on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 3:32 pm 

    Kunstler is woke (The King of King Tides Approaches – 2).

  39. MASTERMIND on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 3:41 pm 

    The World and OECD economies (GDP) have been contracting for forty years

  40. GregT on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 4:10 pm 

    “My apologies. I stand corrected.”

    No worries MM. I think that it’s safe to say that the vast majority of people believe that The Fed, The Bank of Canada, The Bank of England, The Bank of Japan, etc., are all public, and/or government controlled entities. Nothing could be further from the truth.

  41. MASTERMIND on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 5:06 pm 

    Whenever I heard clogg start talking about WW2.

  42. Cloggie on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 5:29 pm 

    “Whenever I heard clogg start talking about WW2.”

    Exactly correct. Jews, that is US, USSR and UK, exploited the Versailles situation and as of 1933 set out to destroy Germany and succeeded.

    After 1965, Jews began to destroy their US through mass immigration…

    …and have meanwhile succeeded:

    Greatfulness is not a very outstanding jewish trait. Or smartness, because meanwhile the Jews and their third world USS are very weakened and ill prepared for the coming WW3, Anglosphere-Eurasia:

    The Jews already announced they lost the battle for global supremacy…

    …but that doesn’t mean they can escape WW3, that will terminate the US empire and the US itself.

    Poor Jews.

  43. MASTERMIND on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 5:36 pm 


    We need mass immigration to keep our economy growing to make up for the low fertility rates. Same with Europe and Japan. Sorry the future is a mixed world.

  44. MASTERMIND on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 6:15 pm 


    Trade war with US could be the tipping point for China’s $14 trillion debt-ridden economy

    China’s debt-to-GDP has ballooned to more than 300 percent from 160 percent a decade ago. Chinese officials now warn of a financial-sector debt bubble that’s waiting to burst.

    The $7 Trillion Debt Pile Looming Large Over Chinese Households

  45. makati1 on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 6:28 pm 

    Cloggie: “After 1965, Jews began to destroy their US through mass immigration.” I agree. Same as in the EU today.

    You might add that they are also destroying the Us thru the Federal Reserve which, contrary to public understanding, cause the Us recessions, not try to prevent them. They are also working on the coming super depression in the Us. The Great Leveling. Ditto for all of the “reserve” banks around the world. Not common knowledge but becoming more and more obvious as time passes.

  46. MASTERMIND on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 6:29 pm 


  47. makati1 on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 6:37 pm 

    MM, you seem to forget that China is not a democracy. It is basically a dictatorship. They can do things the Us cannot. They can change laws by decree. Stop money flows, etc. The Us cannot. Yuge difference! If there were to be a ‘trade war’ the Us would be the one to declare bankruptcy.

    China has the Us by the balls and the Us knows it. There will be no serious trade war with China. Just Trump bluster and retreat, like in Syria. The Us is over. The ‘fat lady’ is spraying her throat for the grand finale.

    The Us has no plans beyond tomorrow. The Chinese (and Russians) plan far into the future and make it happen. The Us is way behind them in all of the areas that count. Remember what I said about Us propaganda…

  48. MASTERMIND on Tue, 24th Apr 2018 6:45 pm 


    China is the worlds largest oil importer. When the oil shortages hit they are finished! Along with the rest of the world! I hope you built a panic room in your condo..You are going to need it!

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