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Page added on March 19, 2018

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Kunstler: If You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It

Various readers, fans, blog commenters, Facebook trolls, and auditors twanged on me all last week about my continuing interest in the RussiaRussiaRussia hysteria, though there is no particular consensus of complaint among them — except for a general “shut up, already” motif. For the record, I’m far more interested in the hysteria itself than the Russia-meddled-in the-election case, which I consider to be hardly any case at all beyond 13 Russian Facebook trolls.

The hysteria, on the other hand, ought to be a matter of grave concern, because it appears more and more to have been engineered by America’s own intel community, its handmaidens in the Dept of Justice, and the twilight’s last gleamings of the Obama White House, and now it has shoved this country in the direction of war at a time when civilian authority over the US military looks sketchy at best. This country faces manifold other problems that are certain to reduce the national standard of living and disrupt the operations of an excessively complex and dishonest economy, and the last thing America needs is a national war-dance over trumped-up grievances with Russia.

The RussiaRussiaRussia narrative has unspooled since Christmas and is blowing back badly through the FBI, now with the firing (for cause) of Deputy Director Andrew McCabe hours short of his official retirement (and inches from the golden ring of his pension). He was axed on the recommendation of his own colleagues in the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility, and they may have been influenced by the as-yet-unreleased report of the FBI Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, due out shortly.

The record of misbehavior and “collusion” between the highest ranks of the FBI, the Democratic Party, the Clinton campaign, several top political law firms, and a shady cast of international blackmail peddlars is a six-lane Beltway-scale evidence trail compared to the muddy mule track of Trump “collusion” with Russia. It will be amazing if a big wad of criminal cases are not dealt out of it, even as The New York Times sticks its fingers in its ears and goes, “La-la-la-la-la….”

It now appears that Mr. McCabe’s statements post-firing tend to incriminate his former boss, FBI Director James Comey — who is about to embark, embarrassingly perhaps, on a tour for his self-exculpating book, A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership.

A great aura of sanctimony surrounds the FBI these days. Even the news pundits seem to have forgotten the long, twisted reign of J. Edgar Hoover (1924 – 1972), a dangerous rogue who excelled at political blackmail. And why, these days, would any sane American take pronouncements from the CIA and NSA at face value? What seems to have gone on in the RussiaRussiaRussia matter is that various parts of the executive branch in the last months under Mr. Obama gave each other tacit permission, wink-wink, to do anything necessary to stuff HRC into the White House and, failing that, to derail her opponent, the Golden Golem of Greatness.

The obvious lesson in all this huggermugger is that the ends don’t justify the means. I suspect there are basically two routes through this mess. One is that the misdeeds of FBI officers, Department of Justice lawyers, and Intel agency executives get adjudicated by normal means, namely, grand juries and courts. That would have the salutary effect of cleansing government agencies and shoring up what’s left of their credibility at a time when faith in institutions hangs in the balance.

The second route would be for the authorities to ignore any formal response to an evermore self-evident trail of crimes, and to allow all that political energy to be funneled into manufactured hysteria and eventually a phony provocation of war with Russia. Personally, I’d rather see the US government clean house than blow up the world over an engineered hallucination.


131 Comments on "Kunstler: If You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It"

  1. Dredd on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 10:00 am 

    The Shapeshifters of Bullshitistan – 13

  2. Steve on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 10:28 am 

    “even as The New York Times sticks its fingers in its ears and goes, “La-la-la-la-la….””

  3. JH Wyoming on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 10:53 am 

    “…the muddy mule track of Trump “collusion” with Russia.”

    Wow, sounds like Kunstler has finally admitted there was collusion between Trump & Russia, which negates his weekly ongoing diatribes about it being something made up. Even a hard nosed guy like JHK can alter his position. Maybe that’s encouraging for humanity as a whole.

  4. JuanP on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 11:03 am 

    Up until five years ago I didn’t give a fuck about Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Ukraine, Lybia, or any of the other countries that the USA and its minions have been illegally attacking. Now I believe those countries are on the right side of history. The US government is making the world see the truth with its insane lies and irrational delusions.

    I will believe in American justice when Hillary Clinton is sent to jail. I will believe that the USA is a First World country when we no longer have homeless people. I will believe in American generosity when the USA gets universal healthcare and US people no longer go bankrupt trying to pay their medical bills. Even Uruguay has had universal healthcare since before I was born, for fuck’s sake! I will believe in the American Dream when American citizens can attend public college for free like Uruguayans in Uruguay can. I will believe in “the land of the free” when the USA no longer has more people in prison than any other country in human history. I will believe in the “home of the brave” when the US government stops murdering innocent people, including women and children, all over the world.

    Do you still believe in any of those lies? Maybe it is time for you to wake up and face the truth!

  5. Duncan Idaho on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 11:03 am 


  6. JuanP on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 11:12 am 

    I am tempted to become a US citizen just to vote for President Trump at the next elections. I would really enjoy telling all the hypocritical, pseudo intellectual, neoliberal Democrats I come across every day that I voted for him. Of course I won’t actually do it because there is nothing in it for me, though. For someone like me becoming a US citizen is a lose lose proposition. I will surely volunteer for his campaign and actively support him if he runs again, though, just for the fun of it.

  7. JuanP on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 11:14 am 

    Today I am extremely happy because President Putin got reelected. This is absolutely great news for Russia and the world. Long live President Putin! Long live Russia! Long live President Trump! Russia, Russia, Russia!

  8. q on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 11:16 am 

    They are desperate addicts looking for remaining resources. But Russia is well prepared for these kleptomaniacs.

  9. JuanP on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 11:17 am 

    I will be back to hassle the delusional exceptionalists later on today; I have to go back to building a community garden now. This was my lunch break. Happy Putin day, guys and girls!

  10. Steve on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 12:16 pm 

    Juan P. “I will believe in American justice when Hillary Clinton is sent to jail…” Thumbs up!

  11. Duncan Idaho on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 12:32 pm 

    “Personally, I’d rather see the US government clean house than blow up the world over an engineered hallucination.”

    Yep, K, you understand it.

  12. MASTERMIND on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 1:01 pm 


    You must find it hard to accept authority as truth instead of truth as your authority! Death

  13. Cloggie on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 1:29 pm 

    Putin accused of meddling in the Russian election.

  14. Anonymouse1 on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 2:08 pm 

    Are you being to be ‘funny’ there cloggraham? If so don’t quit your day job. There are a many funny jews in the entertainment business as you well know, but you either funny or entertaining. Sitting leaders are quite capable of ‘meddling’ in their own elections. We call it ‘election rigging’ dumbass, and its not exactly a laughing matter. In my country, the odious Stephen Harper ‘meddled’ (or his underlings did), in elections here. Like you, he was a dry, humorless, staunchly pro-Israeli shill. Few here found his ‘meddling’ a joking matter, even though he basically got away scott free.

  15. Cloggie on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 2:42 pm 

    Like you, he was a dry, humorless, staunchly pro-Israeli shill.


    You confirm every “prejudice” in the book with your depressing blundering stupidity.

  16. DerHundistlos on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 2:59 pm 

    @ Juan P

    If, as you constantly claim, the US is a “shithole” country and you are committed to personally undermining the nation of your residence, why do you stay? Do you enjoy being miserable? I do not understand why you don’t pack your bags and return to Uruguay. Surely you will have no problems establishing a community garden in Uruguay.

    Note to Kunt: Someone needs to remind the Kunt that Robert Mueller and the other prosecutors racking up convictions against the Trump, Inc. players as Mueller zeroes in on Dump himself, are all registered Republicans.

  17. DerHundistlos on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 3:07 pm 


    Juan, if as you claim, your country of residence is Uruguay, you have an uncanny ability to communicate as a native American. You had to have emigrated from Uruguay as a young child to command a fluent understanding of the language, yet you are not a citizen?

  18. Cloggie on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 3:17 pm 

    When Kunstler stays away from “peak oil” he regularly has interesting things to say. A voice of moderation.

  19. Steve on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 3:24 pm 

    I hate “Love it or leave it”. Why not Love it, fix it? And while we’re at it, please define “country”. Do I have to love Cheney, Rumsfeld, Soros, and their ilk? Do I have to love Monsanto, Raytheon, McDonald’s, and their ilk? How about Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, etc.? Do I have to embrace Citizens United and primary rigging? What’s your definition of country?

  20. Cloggie on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 3:59 pm 

    “What’s your definition of country?”

    A territory of which its citizens convincingly say “this is my home” and have said so for several centuries. The population being ethnically homogeneous and speaking a single language and religeon is a precondition for “feeling at home”. And it helps if a country was founded as a result of war, creating a common myth.

    Being a country has zero links with Dick Cheney, George Soros, Goldman-Sachs or MacDonalds.

  21. DerHundistlos on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 4:56 pm 

    Steve, does this explain my position better?

    We don’t smoke marijuana in Muskogee;
    We don’t take our trips on LSD
    We don’t burn our draft cards down on Main Street;
    We like livin’ right, and bein’ free.

    I’m proud to be an Okie from Muskogee,
    A place where even squares can have a ball
    We still wave Old Glory down at the courthouse,
    And white lightnin’s still the biggest thrill of all

    We don’t make a party out of lovin’;
    We like holdin’ hands and pitchin’ woo;
    We don’t let our hair grow long and shaggy,
    Like the hippies out in San Francisco do.

    And I’m proud to be an Okie from Muskogee,
    A place where even squares can have a ball.
    We still wave Old Glory down at the courthouse,
    And white lightnin’s still the biggest thrill of all.

    Leather boots are still in style for manly footwear;
    Beads and Roman sandals won’t be seen.
    Football’s still the roughest thing on campus,
    And the kids here still respect the college dean.

    We still wave Old Glory down at the courthouse,
    In Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA.

  22. MASTERMIND on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 5:13 pm 

    Police seize first firearms under Florida’s new gun-control laws

  23. Cloggie on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 5:19 pm 

    Police seize first firearms under Florida’s new gun-control laws

    From a single person, considered a danger to

    Keep on dreaming of your all-powerful communist state.

  24. JuanP on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 7:25 pm 

    DerHundistlos, I am a citizen of Uruguay. I have been living in the USA for most of the last 28 years. I am a permanent resident alien of the USA (green card holder). I could become an American citizen if I wanted, but I am not interested. The only thing I can’t do in the USA is vote, which I don’t care to do. I am 48 years old and have been studying English for 45 years. I can also communicate well in French, Italian, and Portuguese. My English language skills are better than those of most Americans, particularly my writing and my reading comprehension.

  25. JuanP on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 7:30 pm 

    And, Der, I think the whole world is basically a shithole, but the USA is leading the pack. The reasons I haven’t gone back to Uruguay is that it is cold and boring, but I will go back eventually. I simply am not in a hurry and my wife has her sister here.

  26. MASTERMIND on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 7:52 pm 


    The only reason you are here is for our wealth. You could give a shit about american values. You are just another fucking parasite sent here to leach off of us! Good riddance you fucking wet back! In Jebus name you retard!

  27. JuanP on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 7:58 pm 

    Micromind, I see you are showing off your astounding education and intelligence once more. Keep up the good work! You do your country proud! And you wonder why people dislike Americans? It is because of people like you, moron! LOL! Every time you post a comment you prove me right, Imaginary Neuron!

  28. MASTERMIND on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 8:04 pm 


    You came here to cut grass and wash dishes don’t lie! You dont want to become an American citizen because you are hostile to liberty. And because you are a stupid religious person! In Jebus name!

  29. MASTERMIND on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 8:06 pm 


    And third world trash like you are the reason Trump won. And the reason the great lakes are infested with Asian carp. Both of your are evasive disgusting species who destroy environments!

  30. Sissyfuss on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 8:34 pm 

    From himself or others it said, Cloghalfullofit. Omission is as heinous as commission, my fruity Liebfraumilch.

  31. MASTERMIND on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 9:16 pm 

    U.S. expected to impose up to $60 billion in China tariffs by Friday: sources

    Does this mean that Trump products will cost more?

  32. JuanP on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 9:18 pm 

    Micromind, Please keep posting comments and proving to the world what wonderful people Americans are. LOL! Did you do anything useful for others today? Thanks for giving me credit for President Trump getting elected. I would have thought that a stupid, ignorant, delusional American exceptionalist like you would blame President Putin for that. All I did was volunteer a few hours for the Trump campaign so I am very proud to have made such an impact! LOL!

  33. JuanP on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 9:25 pm 

    Micromind, Please enlighten me as to the nature of my religion. I look forward to enjoying your ridiculous delusions on the subject. Thanks for the humor you add to my life; I always look forward to our exchanges. You never fail to make me laugh. 😉

  34. DMyers on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 9:26 pm 


    If you can’t make an intelligent point, take the issue as it comes, point by point, refrain from insults, innuendo, empty prating and empty repetition of negativity, then, please, shut the fuck up! I’ve had it with your ass. You try to dominate this forum with your unconvincing psuedo-intellectual bullshit and accomplish nothing thereby. You are nothing but a repugnant attitude going nowhere. If Juan P is third world trash, then you are less than the guy who picks up his trash. Go home!

  35. MASTERMIND on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 9:48 pm 


    Here are five peer reviewed scientific studies authored by top experts that prove beyond any reasonable doubt that global civilization will collapse within the next decade.

    I hope you die slow! EAT MY ASS!

  36. MASTERMIND on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 9:52 pm 


    Why did you come here if you don’t want to be a citizen? Because you are a parasite and a leach! And you are destroying the American environment! Just like another evasive species the Asian carp! See how powerful and how destructive an evasive species can be now? You ignorant Jesus freak!

  37. DMyers on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 9:54 pm 

    How many times are you going to repeat that same bullshit? “Empty repitition”, as I said. I am dying slow, you prick, and so are you. That’s kind of how it works in this world. But frankly, I prefer to die slowly, to be grammatically correct.

  38. MASTERMIND on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 9:54 pm 


    Save me the mansplaning you dumb fuck! Why dont you go worship your god head Jebus christ! And dont forget to fill the offering plate before you leave you dumb sucker!

  39. DMyers on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 10:24 pm 

    JuanP, I can assure you there are many visitors to this forum who recognize your intellectual superiority to Masturmind. Él no tiene nada que hacer sino insultar sus superiores. Eso es muy triste, pero yo no tengo ningún compasión para alguien tan estupido y orgulloso.

  40. DMyers on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 10:35 pm 

    Pardon me, Juan, that should have been estúpido.

  41. MASTERMIND on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 11:26 pm 


    Simple really….when the World Economy Collapses everything shuts down…the end… We’re talking about grids down all over the world and 7.5B people dropping like f*** flies in short order. The collapse will be absolutely horrible..There is no collapse or horror movie ever produced that has even come close to imagining what the collapse of BAU might look like. I’m talking about every corporation and every social program going bankrupt at once. I’m talking about people eating people. I’m talking about the Worst Catastrophe to ever happen in the history of mankind. Nothing has ever, or will ever come close….

    If you want to waste you last decade alive picking fights with someone you dont even know and sucking the cock of some foreign parasite..Go right ahead. Its your tax dollars that are paying for Juans welfare.

  42. MASTERMIND on Mon, 19th Mar 2018 11:29 pm 


    Must be nice to come over on a boat to America. Especially since you dont have to pay taxes for a decade…It must be nice sitting on your ass all day smoking mushrooms and collecting government checks!

  43. Cloggie on Tue, 20th Mar 2018 1:18 am 

    Must be nice to come over on a boat to America. Especially since you dont have to pay taxes for a decade…It must be nice sitting on your ass all day smoking mushrooms and collecting government checks!

    As an identitarian I would advocate giving an Iberian passport to Juan. He will probably feel more at home there than in the US. He values European culture and likes classical music. Besides Iberians do not engage enough in production sex anyway.


    From himself or others it said, Cloghalfullofit. Omission is as heinous as commission, my fruity Liebfraumilch.

    As a Europussy I am against private gun-ownership… for Europe. But then again I do not have to defend myself against a ZOG-system. Adolf and his trains.

  44. Go Speed Racer on Tue, 20th Mar 2018 3:11 am 

    Hey there Juan P,
    Now, you’re sitting in coach at the back of
    the airplane, getting hassled and hounded
    by a couple of mean-spirited insulters
    who are blowing farts into your face.

    So how about come on up here to where I am
    sitting, in first class. There’s an empty
    seat next to me, I’ll pay for it just forget
    those guys in the back of the plane and
    sit up here for awhile.

    We’re on a non-stop flight down to Uruguay
    I want to learn a bit more about that.
    Is it really so cold? I just thought it
    would be rather balmy. What’s the closest
    analogy? Perhaps south Alaska?

    Don’t ya still have a warm hot summer season,
    where the beach babes wear bikini’s and
    play volleyball?

    Hey here’s the stewardess with our wine glasses.
    “Maam can we have a cheese platter also,
    one for me and one for my guest Juan,
    he’s from Uruguay. And he lives in the USA
    most of the time, AND he spent a few hours
    volunteering for Trump… thanks maam yes
    just put it on my Star Alliance account”.

    Anyway Juan, don’t let them bug ya just
    cause ya volunteered for Trump. Although
    that is taking your life in your hands
    because ya don’t know who is more dangerous
    the right wing crazies with guns, or the
    left-wing liberals with granola bars,
    recycle cans and lit-fuse yogurt-bombs.

    I’m all for ya doin whatever ya want Juan
    and nobody should make any insults for
    it on this chat board.

    Flamethrowers are explicitly banned on this
    flight, ya hear?

    Now the fact is, Hillary was the ultimate
    bitch with a colostomy bag hidden under
    her pantsuit and the Youtube video’s of
    her Parkinson’s episodes are really just

    The guy who SHOULD have won is Bernie Sanders and he would have beaten Trump.

    So when crooked Hillary stole the nomination
    from Sanders, SHE guaranteed from that moment
    onwards that Trump would win.

    But ya got the right to do what ya do,
    and the right to socialize about it,
    and the right to not be insulted.

    So that’s why we left those guys back
    there in coach paying $2 for a bag of
    air with 3 pretzels in the bottom, but
    for us here comes that nice cheese platter
    heaped with delicacies, up here in first class.

    I can’t wait until we touch down in Uruguay. Thanks for chatting with me Juan.

  45. Theedrich on Tue, 20th Mar 2018 3:59 am 

    JHK is right on this one.  The Intel gang, the prelates of the DoJ & FBI, the Obamalosers, the CFR and various sinistral think tanks plus utopist academics, incessantly broadcasting through their media foghorns, assume their anti-Trump Russophobia will have no effect outside Yankeeland.  They ignore the ominous statements about new weapons systems emanating from the Kremlin.  Because, of course, America is invulnerable and Russia weak, as Pompeo and our military assure us.  Nuclear war is unthinkable, and therefore, we are led to believe, can never happen.  So the Resisters continue with their Putin-blasting insults, accusations and implicit threats, as the Pentagon quietly and methodically moves forces and weapons, pincer-like, ever closer to the Russian оте́чество (fatherland).

    The coming war will not be like former ones, with small, incremental conflicts escalating to large ones, so that we can prepare ourselves psychologically and militarily.  Rather, it will be true Blitzkrieg — lightning war —, coming out of the blue when least expected.  And the Left-plus-neocon crowd will have no idea why.

  46. Davy on Tue, 20th Mar 2018 5:28 am 

    “The coming war will not be like former ones, with small, incremental conflicts escalating to large ones, so that we can prepare ourselves psychologically and militarily. Rather, it will be true Blitzkrieg — lightning war —, coming out of the blue when least expected. And the Left-plus-neocon crowd will have no idea why.”

    Come on Thee, you don’t know what kind of war is coming or if war is coming at that level. I agree if it escalates to that level we are all screwed because of how systematically destructive any results of a modern global war would be. There is no way we could cover our overshoot in such a situation. Even if we did not escalate to a MAD NUK exchange we would still damage globalism to the extent that economic activity would drop to a point of rendering modernism unworkable. That said it is possible we continue this proxy muddle for years. Generals love to have a place to play so it is likely war will not end but everyone knows the costs of escalation. The affluent control the world directly and indirectly. There is more going on behind the scenes that we know about. So saying a lighting global war is inevitable or a mad max collapse is baked in is not accurate when we consider time frame. The further out you take time frame the more unreality our discussions have.

  47. JuanP on Tue, 20th Mar 2018 8:30 am 

    Thanks DM and GSR for your kind words. Micromind doesn’t bug me. I bait him for fun. I know it’s selfish towards the other members of the forum, but I can’t help myself and the forum is a mess anyway.

    Uruguay is quite cold. We have around 10 months of cold weather and two months of nice weather. January and February are oue beach going months, but February can be bad some years. If you go to Punta del Este in January you will get to watch the highest concentration of gorgeous women in bikinis I have ever seen anywhere. I would compare the weather in Uruguay to Southern England because we have a lot of fog, drizzle, hail, cloudy days, light rain, and frost, but we only get snow like once every couple of years.

    I only volunteered for Trump a couple of times for a couple of hours out of curiosity and after Bernie got run over by the Clinton machine. I was curious to interact with the other volunteers and staff and talk to prospective voters about him to analyze their reactions. A friend invited me to do it. I prefer Trump to Hillary, but I don’t like either one of them; for me it was a lesser evil thing because I find Hillary 100% repulsive. I never expected Trump to make any significant changes and as far as I am concerned he hasnt. I am of the opinion that things are slowly but steadily getting worse in the world since before I was born and that won’t change. Have a good one!

  48. TheNationalist on Tue, 20th Mar 2018 8:45 am 

    Newsflash***. Newsflash***.

    Happy old zionist schmuk Chuck Schumer caught meddling in Russian election!

    Nanci Pelosi is a double agent working for Kg.

    The big orange cunts’ real name is Ivan and has a younger brother called Vladdy Putin!

    Oh Jebus christ! Oh Jebus this is getting serious now!!

  49. TheNationalist on Tue, 20th Mar 2018 8:48 am 

    * KGB (ofcourse you knew that ‘cos youre’ so like clever).

  50. MASTERMIND on Tue, 20th Mar 2018 9:11 am 


    Juan left his country because his people were to stupid to develop a successful economy. He is just a parasite who came her to suck the blood of the US economy. the same reason anyone migrates to America. They dont come here to eat fucking mcdonalds. And they get huge tax breaks that come out of my fucking pay check. And then the welfare queens like Juanp dont even want to become citizens. His own words. the only reason welfare parasites like him are allowed here is because the Capitalist who run america love migrants because they will work for less pay and are to stupid to question management and wont form workers unions. Its as simple as that.

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