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Page added on October 18, 2017

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Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Alex Jones breaks down the Globalists plan to cull, or selectively slaughter, 90% of the world’s population in an attempt to cleanse the genetic makeup of human beings across the planet.

83 Comments on "Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population"

  1. MASTERMIND on Wed, 18th Oct 2017 6:48 pm 

    why is this being posted? Alex jones is a paranoid lunatic who needs medical help.

  2. MASTERMIND on Wed, 18th Oct 2017 6:49 pm 

    His reasoning is insane. To cleanse the genetic makeup? Wtf that makes no sense at all…he should at least argue due to overpopulation.

  3. ohanian on Wed, 18th Oct 2017 7:44 pm 

    Where did Alex Jones get these strange ideas that some group of people which he does not give names to, want to commit global genocide?

  4. Anonymouse1 on Wed, 18th Oct 2017 7:53 pm 

    AJ ,besides being a fat, medicated retard, is also a zionist shill. I am willing to bet cloggen-fraud is the one that submits most of AJ’s zionist infowarez’ nonsense here. Those two both share one , well make that two traits in common. An enduring interest for peddling disinformation.

  5. makati1 on Wed, 18th Oct 2017 8:01 pm 

    The US needs to get the hell out of Asia. This is why I hope the US is driven to its knees soon and cannot meddle in places it does not belong.

    Today would be a good time for it to fail.

  6. MASTERMIND on Wed, 18th Oct 2017 9:32 pm 


    World Scientists “Warning to Humanity” Signed by 1,700 Scientists Including the Majority of all Nobel Prize Winners

    Scientific American: Apocalypse Soon: Has Civilization Passed the Environmental Point of No Return?

    NASA Study: Industrial Civilization is Headed for Irreversible Collapse (Motesharrei, 2014)

    The Royal Society: Study, Now for the First Time A Global Collapse Appears Likely (Ehrlich, 2013)

    Study: Limits to Growth was Right. Research Shows We’re Nearing Global Collapse (Turner, 2014)

    Study: Financial System Supply-Chain Cross-Contagion: in Global Systemic Collapse (Korowicz, 2012)

    What do you not understand about a global collapse? That means you and your shitty slant eyed country as well…If it was just the US then the studies would have concluded that…You brainwashed dumbshit.

  7. peakyeast on Wed, 18th Oct 2017 9:41 pm 

    Has everybody stocked up of Alex Jones “Tactical assault wipes” – also be used in the perineal area?

    Remember the competitors wipes WILL kill you !!

  8. makati1 on Wed, 18th Oct 2017 10:38 pm 

    MM, you hope they are correct, but you have no more to go on than what they say. And, not knowing who signs their paychecks you have no idea of the spin. And, there is ALWAYS spin.

    They do not address the FACT that most of the world does NOT rely on manufactured goods that do not sustain life (food, water, shelter). The industrialized (Western) countries will definitely be in great pain. Not so much the 3rd world that does not live that lifestyle. To most of the lower billions, it will be BAU. Survival is number one for them, as it always has been. I can tell you that my farm neighbors will hardly notice the collapse of globalism.

    So, the Asian “slant eyes”, the African “blacks” and the South American Latinos are likely to survive much better than the northern “whiteys”. Especially uneducated, immature, potty mouths like you.

  9. Antius on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 4:28 am 

    The real western globalists are pursuing a policy of cultural and racial homogenisation. They want free movement of people across national borders and pseudo-Marxist superstate, in which all are free to consume but no-one is free to speak.

    There is no evidence to suggest that mass genocide is on the menu, aside from the western populations that have to play host to this nonsense.

  10. Cloggie on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 4:40 am 

    The real western globalists are pursuing a policy of cultural and racial homogenisation. They want free movement of people across national borders and pseudo-Marxist superstate, in which all are free to consume but no-one is free to speak.

    It’s called the Kalergi plan. A plan obviously not invented by Europeans but by (((enemies))) of the Europeans. Oh the glory of the US empire!


    … tried to create a global super state with Moscow as the capital since 1922 (after the Russian civil war 1917-1922), but failed when Stalin got the upper-hand over the Trotsky types and replaced globalist Bolshevism with national-Bolshevism.

    The Trotsky types in the US didn’t like that too much:

    It were types like this who had pushed Chamberlain-Britain into war with Germany for no other purpose than to colonize Europe.

    Continental Europe will probably manage to escape from the US empire and Brexit is a Godsend in this regard.

    The question is: can we save a part of the US as well from “drowning in the third world”?

  11. Theedrich on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 4:50 am 

    I didn’t know AJ had a Ph.D. in history.  Although I share his antipathy toward Sörös, Gates, and the globalists, it is not for the same reason that he espouses, but because they are helping muds to overpopulate.  For a preview of the future, imagine post-Maria Puerto Rico without Whitey coming to the rescue.

    Earth is a tiny, isolated island of life spinning around in an infinite, virtually empty sea of spacetime governed by invisible yet titanic forces.  It is not puerile plutocrats, but the iron and impersonal laws of nature, that will decide our future, and either cull or utterly extinguish us.

    And by the way, genosuicidal American/Judeo-Christian “values” will be of no value in the clinch to come.

  12. Darrell Cloud on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 7:48 am 

    Just a guess, maybe the idea of culling the population came out of Georgia. It is after all the home of The Walking Dead.

  13. Cloggie on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 7:51 am 

    90% plastic in oceans gets there via 10 of the largest rivers… from Africa and Asia:

    Rivers: Amur, Yellow River, Hai He, Jangtse, Pearl River, Indus, Ganges, Mekong, Nile, Niger.

  14. deadlykillerbeaz on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 8:26 am 

    I’m all for a 100 percent die-off. Everybody can shuffle off from their mortal coils.

    Hell full to the brim.

    The elite globalists first, might as well get started.

    Elites should choose self-immolation.

    Good riddance!

  15. MASTERMIND on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 10:25 am 

    makati1 what spin are you talking about? You are just making shit up now. Wow you are insane. Remember denial and insanity are brothers.

  16. Dredd on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 11:25 am 

    Globalists = Oil-Qaeda

    Civilizations always off themselves (Etiology of Social Dementia – 17).

  17. Sissyfuss on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 11:40 am 

    “Nature wants to cull 90% of the worlds population in order to restore a sustainable balance to its systems.”
    Blame Gaia in your conspiracy theories, graveled voice. But don’t expect exemplary ratings as a result.

  18. Your Big Brother on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 12:25 pm 

    If you really want to lose hope for humanity read the comments section on this site. Or most any other site for that matter.

    People are terminally stupid.

  19. Apneaman on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 1:36 pm 

    Perhaps ‘they’ are doing a test run on insects?

    Warning of ‘ecological Armageddon’ after dramatic plunge in insect numbers

    Three-quarters of flying insects in nature reserves across Germany have vanished in 25 years, with serious implications for all life on Earth, scientists say

    The popularity of ALEX FUCKING JONES is proof positive that the white man is as dumb as a fucking bag of bricks and deserves his fall. All conspiracies all the time is a form of self flattery for insecure losers. None of the billionaires Alex talks about give a shit about you. They have not spared even one second of their lives thinking about you let alone worrying. You do not exist for them other than a number and potential customer. All they needed to do was get the legislation changed to introduce Sunday shopping and cable TV and let the people ruin the last thing holding their communities and families together. They never forced anyone either. Y’all choose to give up church and family time for Sunday shopping and 14 hrs of NFL & NASCAR. Now add the internet and you’re completely done.

    No conspiracy, but there is a human cull coming and it’s self inflicted. Looking like a 100% cull.

  20. Apneaman on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 1:40 pm 

    Insights into the Personalities of Conspiracy Theorists

    Psychologists find that distrust of authority and low agreeableness are among factors underlying the willingness to believe

  21. Cloggie on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 2:01 pm 

    “Insights into the Personalities of Conspiracy Theorists”

  22. Davy on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 2:18 pm 

    Cloggie, Ape, pegged you perfectly!

  23. Cloggie on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 2:27 pm 

    He didnt. He tries to demonize those who refute the official story.

    For several seconds the entire WTC7 building fell with the speed of gravity. There is only one physical explanation for thar, namely that all supporting columns were knocked away by explosives.

    Anyone who denies that is a liar.

    A building stuffed with explosives rules out the 19 Arabs with boxcutters baloney.

    Any other explanation, apneaman, davy?


    Thought so.

  24. Cloggie on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 2:40 pm 

    Richard Spencer live in Florida:

  25. Cloggie on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 4:42 pm 

    World’s youngest leader Kurz throw Soros out of Austria.
    Kurz also is a 9/11-truther!!!

    As was to be expected defeaning silence from apneaman/davy regarding 9/11. Fundamentally dishonest.

  26. Davy on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 6:03 pm 

    Clog, no opinion on 911, not enough info to be a believer. I would also say in regards to 911 that this event was a long time ago. We have huge issues of survival for the entire human species at hand NOW. This is something you dismiss and the reason people like you are bringing on our demise.

  27. Apneaman on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 6:58 pm 

    Alex Jones: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

    “Alex Jones is known for pushing conspiracy theories, but he also spends a lot of time promoting his own products. John Oliver and a “doctor” “from” M.I.T. test out his marketing strategy.”

  28. Apneaman on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 7:08 pm 

    Our Summer of Fire and the Fires to Come

    “Explosive wildfires have raged in Northern California over the last two weeks. Forty-one people are dead, and at least 6,700 structures have been destroyed, making these the most destructive fires in the state’s history. Parts of the city of Santa Rosa have burned to the ground.”

    “Air quality in the region has been called the worst in recorded history due to wildfire smoke.”

    “Summer of Heat and Western Fire

    This summer, Seattle broke records for the driest in recorded history, the most consecutive days without rain — 55 — and also tied for the warmest summer on record.

    Similar conditions were present throughout the West.”

    “Scorched by record temperatures, British Columbia (BC) went up in flames in July. Fires raged all summer and 1.2 million hectares burned — the equivalent of 4,680 square miles — an area almost as large as the state of Connecticut. The area burned exceeded the yearly average of area burned in BC from 2006-16 by almost 10 times.”

    No globalists needed. Just keep spending your dopamine dollars on short lived hits. Don’t forget it’s that unbridled consumerism that enriches the globalists and gives them their power, so keep shopping and supporting them.

  29. makati1 on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 7:21 pm 

    Muddymind, since you have little, if any, knowledge of the real world, you (like Davy) try to put down anyone who does. You cannot accept your ignorance. Few Americans know what is really happening outside of USMSM Iron Curtain America because they do not travel internationally and the “news” they get is ALL spun by the US propaganda mill. Reality is foreign territory to most Americans as is actual rational thought. I do not need to prove my above assertion to any knowledgeable person. It is obvious.

  30. makati1 on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 7:27 pm 

    Cloggie, yes, I expected Davy to deny reality. After all, he lives in Davy Land where everything conforms to his visions. Maybe it is meds?

    All three of those buildings were brought down by very controlled demolition from inside. That should be obvious to anyone who has any understanding of construction and/or physics. Two for a False Flag and building 7 to destroy evidence of government involvement in other lies. What can you expect from the most corrupt government in the world?

  31. Davy on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 7:35 pm 

    mad katter, get a life and worry about something that matters. You and cloggie are lonely old men who bath in conspiracies so you can feel something. Both of you have no lives. You sit alone awaiting your inevitable deaths as you lose your faculties.

  32. Numbersman on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 7:37 pm 

    Interesting glance-by on 9-11. If this was a false flag event, it will come to be seen as the inflection point in Americas demise. I cannot allow myself to say it absolutely was a false flag, but the evidence is sadly overwhelming in that direction. The only evidence to the contrary is the emotional pain of giving in to the realization, IMO. How in the world did WTC7 fall in a perfect demolition style collapse, yet not be hit by a plane? Why was the collapse of this building announced on TV before it actually happened? Why were a team of Israelies in an undercover van caught with a video system set up to watch the airplane impacts? Why did the security agencies go to great kengths to essentially keep these obvious terrorist threats inside the country and inside theor flight schools? Local FBI agents caught these guys and reported them, but were stymied and threatened to let it be. I am not commenting from other peoples work, I am commenting from first hand reading and observation within 3 days of the event.

  33. makati1 on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 7:51 pm 

    Davy, you need to get your meds changed. A heavier dose of tranquilizers may help you control your emotions and stress. Nah! You are too far gone.

    Perhaps a few of us ‘older’ persons just have more time to express our thoughts? I am retired. I have all the time in the world to do as I please. It is called “freedom”. Something you will NEVER have.

    Even when I am on the farm, we will not have animals that require a lot of work. Free range chickens, a garden and whatever crops we plant. Not much time or effort involved.

    Do you understand what ‘single’ and ‘retired’ means? It means time to do what you want, not what is demanded by your boss or your wife or your religion, or society. It does NOT mean ‘lonely’. I can enjoy my family and friends without the clock dictating my free time. And, I do. Do you? LOL

  34. Davy on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 7:53 pm 

    That’s fine numbersman let’s say it is true. Tell me this, does it really matter right here right now with what is happening in the world? Climate is in freefall from stability and our global social fabric is fraying. The global economy is a house of cards. We are in overshoot and extended near a break point. I feel this is much more relevant and important than worrying if the neocons conned us 16 years ago.

  35. Davy on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 7:57 pm 

    You are a slave to your social security mad katter. Why are you not on your fantasy jungle farm living off the land without your US support lifeline? Why, because you are a fake and a fraud. You are all alone now after rejecting your large family. They probably were glad to see you go. You have such and asshole personality I imagine they were relieved when you took off. No one wants someone like you around. Someone who brags and boast about themselves and then is constantly critical of others. You represent the worst of what is human.

  36. makati1 on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 8:04 pm 

    Numbersman. you might ask yourself how FOUR commercial liners were hijacked at the same time, flown in the most restricted airspace in America and not be intercepted by the USAF as any other plane would have been within minutes of invading that space.

    And why the wreckage of a huge commercial airliner was not found at the Pentagon? About 50 tons of metals, hundreds of passengers, their luggage and the freight it was carrying, also seems to be absent. Not to mention the contorted flight path it took to hit that spot where other government incriminating information was stored, and, conveniently few people were present in that area.

    False flag … and the beginning of the end of America. This false flag was too obvious.

  37. makati1 on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 8:12 pm 

    Davy, you keep pounding on things like that even though they are NOT true. You have ZERO knowledge of my resources and I am not about to post them here. It is none of your business or that of any others here.

    Just keep in mind that I have had almost 10 years to transfer my resources here legally and untaxed. in those 3,500 plus days, I could have transferred over 10 million dollars, legally, thru my banks accounts.

    You have no idea what resource/inheritances I have to work with. None. SS is going to die soon, but I am prepared for that coming event. I will say that it is going to speed up the US decline when it happens.

    You will never see any SS, but thanks for paying your taxes. I’ll just invest them in more preps as I have been doing. LOL

  38. Davy on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 8:27 pm 

    Mad katter, you have been here so very long bragging about yourself it is not hard to connect the dots. I have followed you closely for years now because you are dirtying the truth and it is my duty to the truth to expose your lies. I enjoy shooting down extremist who lie about my world. I know what is going on with you. You try to hide from who you are but I will not let you. I have exposed your lies. This is not hard to do with someone who is as intellectually lite as you are. A habitual braggart always spills the beans. When one is so worried about impressing people they give away so much of themselves. Once an idiot spills the beans then it is just a matter of putting together the puzzle. Your puzzle is a wasteland of lies.

  39. makati1 on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 9:11 pm 

    9/11 rerun?

    “Be Afraid America – DHS Warns ISIS, Al Qaeda Are Planning ‘9/11-Style’ Attack”

    ““The terrorist organizations, be it ISIS or Al-Qaeda or others, want to have the big explosion like they did on 9/11. They want to take down aircraft, the intelligence is clear on that,” the acting US secretary of homeland security said during a visit to the UK, as cited by British media.”

    The beat goes on…

  40. makati1 on Thu, 19th Oct 2017 9:15 pm 

    You are a sick person if all you have to do is try to find something to make me look bad or to actually affect me. So far you are batting zero.

    I only reply to your rants when I am online and, yes, I do enjoy baiting the delusional inhabitant of Davy World. It is soooo easy! You respond like a rabid dog to every post I make. Is that response rational? Or Insanity? lol

  41. DerHundistlos on Fri, 20th Oct 2017 3:47 am 

    In case you missed it………

    Ape’s posting on the dramatic decline in insect populations is exactly the type of human extinction event nobody gives any attention to. Our undoing will be an ecological related event that could occur at any moment in time.
    I can hear the protestations now…..”This (insert ecological catastrophe) wasn’t anticipated so how can I be held responsible?” No reply necessary. Hang ’em from the lamp posts.

    Last week I spoke with a scientist friend who is working in Panama with other scientists in a desperate attempt to save amphibian species from extinction due to chytrid.
    She was in poor spirits. Despite their best efforts to protect species from exposure to chytrid, even in a sterile environment where the strictest protocols are followed, invariably the fungus appears and nothing further can be done. The theory is that once chytrid infects an ecosystem, ALL amphibian species are infected. Some may harbor a more robust immune system, which allows a select few to live longer, but eventually the disease is 100% fatal. Then the facility was notified that President Trump and the congress have withdrawn all funding for chytrid scientific research. Now everyone at the facility is working without pay while a funding solution is hopefully found. Oh, I forgot, according to Republican talking points, the scientists are perpetrating a massive fraud in order to enrich their bank accounts
    Interestingly, the chytrid fungus first appeared in Israel, which is very strange. It’s now believed chytrid was part of an Israeli biological weapons program and was inadvertently released into the environment. Since then, chytrid has spread to all the world’s continents.
    Just as the loss of insects would be the end, so would a world devoid of amphibians and unless a cure or treatment is found, this will be the end result.

  42. Davy on Fri, 20th Oct 2017 5:01 am 

    “I do enjoy baiting the delusional inhabitant of Davy World.”
    Sure you do mad katter. Lol. I have succeeded in neutering your extremist message and I will continue my work. You are one of the main reason the board has an extremist slant. As a regular that post the worst of what is American daily you pollute the truth. You are an abomination to objectivity and I will fight you every day you are here. Sound familiar mad katter? It is because I have told you this routinely over the years we have been here. All you have to do is show some moderation and respect. That is so little to ask for but in your case means giving up on a disorder of extremist hate. That is likely too much to ask because that is how you form your identity.

  43. fmr-paultard on Fri, 20th Oct 2017 8:09 am 

    der dear fungus spread by human encroachment, i think. they’re in our guts. as for people ignoring me, not true. i leave them alone/not stalking. in some case they can’t take it anymore and called me degenerte
    then say don’t talk to them. i don’t.

  44. ____________________________________________ on Fri, 20th Oct 2017 11:44 am 

    Just saw a story about insects dying out. Didn’t know the story was about humans.
    Hope AJ is correct. Humanity is way past a good cleansing. I feel dirty just talking to you retarded faggots

  45. makati1 on Fri, 20th Oct 2017 5:26 pm 

    WOW! The retards are out in full! Must be a full moon night! So many narrow minds and uneducated, brainwashed non-thinkers.

    Western humans seems to have reached their peak education/intelligence and are declining. Wait until the lights go out all over the West and the dying begins. 90% the first year? Maybe. We shall see.

  46. Davy on Fri, 20th Oct 2017 6:21 pm 

    mad katter, you should talk. Lol, what a piece of work. Yet, you have an excuse being old and decrepit.

  47. makati1 on Fri, 20th Oct 2017 6:28 pm 

    Amerika’s for profit, legal drug mafia…

    “The Mayo Clinic calls opioid drugs powerful painkillers, often used post-surgery or for severe chronic pain, affecting an estimated 50 million Americans.

    They include morphine, methadone, OxyContin, Vicodin, Norco and Demerol, among others. Heroin is an illegal opioid…

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more people in the US have fatal overdoses related to opioid use than (from) overdoses of heroin and cocaine combined….

    Profits alone matter. Industry bandits do what they please, supported by Washington, failing to curb their abuses.

    Industry lobbyists control congressional members, presidential aspirants, and White House occupants, Republicans and undemocratic Dems sharing guilt.”

    Corruption everywhere in Third World America.

  48. Davy on Fri, 20th Oct 2017 6:30 pm 

    We are doing fine mad katter and better than in the p’s where you might get shot in the back of the head for doing drugs.

  49. makati1 on Fri, 20th Oct 2017 7:05 pm 

    Denial is not a river in Egypt, but it sure flows thru Davy Land.

  50. Davy on Fri, 20th Oct 2017 7:10 pm 

    you are so cute mad katter with the original “Denial is not a river in Egypt” Where did you pick up that one? LOL

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