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Page added on May 29, 2017

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Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick

The who, how & why of the JFK assassination. Taken from an historical perspective starting around world war 1 leading to present day. We hope after watching this video you will know more about what happened in the past and how the world is run today.
If you would like to help make part two please visit…

69 Comments on "Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick"

  1. Cloggie on Mon, 29th May 2017 7:24 am 

    Vladimir Putin received very warmly by French president Macron and full egards, in Versailles no less:

    Starting from 22:45

  2. onlooker on Mon, 29th May 2017 7:44 am 

    Absolutely, confirms what I knew already. I did not go through the whole video. Suffice to say that the Banking Industry and their insidious money making regime controlled in large part by the Rothchild family has been instrumental in creating a NWO in which this richest family in the world basically along with other very rich and powerful people hijacked first Great Britain then the US. Ever since, they have not let anyone or anything stand in the way of the grandiose plans for economic and political domination. JFK, would not be allowed to thwart their plans by removing the Federal Reserve. The 911 is their master stroke to maintain the dominance of the US and thus these Banking families via their military. Their end goal is a one world government NWO.
    At this point I find this rather ridiculous. Given that we on this planet are quickly reaching absolute environmental crisis and economic withering. The future is totally bleak sorry to say. The goals of this Illuminanti-Cabal seem now implausible. Their key to domination being economic-monetary is fast crumbling. Trump presidency is a blow to them, as their chosen was Killary. It seems even their grip on power in the US is dubious given the widespread discontent and nationalism now evident. Basically, nobody in the world should gloat now about the end of the US empire has it has already been a large part of the reason why humanity will recede into a unmitigated downward spiral and perhaps extinction given climate change and other environmental man made catastrophes waiting in the wings. Sad but true.

  3. Cloggie on Mon, 29th May 2017 8:21 am 

    Didn’t watch the video either, but largely agree with onlooker’s assessment, but am less pessimistic than he is that it is game over for humanity.

  4. Hello on Mon, 29th May 2017 8:32 am 

    Conspiracy BS.

  5. Davy on Mon, 29th May 2017 9:20 am 

    Conspiracy candy. Lol. Cherry picked reality is not reality. Great for “emotionals” who thrive on anti-Americanism. Yummy. BTW, didn’t watch it becuase the message is routine and redundant.

  6. eugene on Mon, 29th May 2017 9:50 am 

    I am one of those “anti-Americans”. In other words, I do not think we are god’s chosen to remodel the world in our image. What I have learned is Americans are completely intolerant of anything examining our behavior. I didn’t watch the video but is it conspiracy candy? Who knows? That’s all in your perspective and that depends on your agenda. Sometimes people just can’t cope with reality and create one they can live with. Personally, I find Americans have their head of their ass where it’s dark and comforting.

  7. makati1 on Mon, 29th May 2017 9:52 am 

    Denial is obviously rampant among the rabidly patriotic fools in America. JFK was taken out by TPTB because he was spoiling their plans. That was just as obvious then as the 9/11 lies are now. Insider caused. Likewise, his brother’s murder by the same forces. History is not the way it was taught in American propaganda mills, er, schools. But what can you expect of a dumbed down bunch of debt slaves?

  8. Hello on Mon, 29th May 2017 9:59 am 

    >>>> JFK was taken out by TPTB because he was spoiling their plans.

    Strange that you have not been taken out yet for knowing the “truth”.

  9. onlooker on Mon, 29th May 2017 10:10 am 

    Yes Mak, the TPTB via distortion and omission with the channels of communication have tried to suppress the truth about alot of things concerning the US. With the internet some of us have woken up

  10. Hawkcreek on Mon, 29th May 2017 10:16 am 

    I don’t know exactly what happened 100 years ago. I do know what is happening today, and it seems to support his hypothesis. The rich run the world to suit themselves.
    Nothing we can do about it now though, since they have the majority convinced that it isn’t so.

  11. Hello on Mon, 29th May 2017 10:21 am 

    >>> With the internet some of us have woken up

    That is certainly strange. You would think with a TPTB as powerful as our TPTB, they’d be able to control the internet to make sure things don’t get out of hand.

    You would think the internet is an ideal tool for the TPTB to tighten its controlling grip, yet they are slipping by allowing the “truth” to come out.

    Damn it TPTB, what are you doing?

  12. Cloggie on Mon, 29th May 2017 10:55 am 

    Strange that you have not been taken out yet for knowing the “truth”.

    Makati is in no position to abolish the Fed or prevent Israel from acquiring nukes. Once he can, he is toast.


    Merkel yesterday:

    “We Europeans must really take our destiny into our own hands, of course in friendship with the United States, in friendship with Great Britain, with good neighborly relations wherever possible, also with Russia and other countries – but we have to know that we have to fight for our future and our fate ourselves as Europeans,” Merkel said.

    “The times in which we can fully count on others are somewhat over, as I have experienced in the past few days,”

    The West has become like shoes with shoelaces that are untied.

  13. onlooker on Mon, 29th May 2017 10:58 am 

    Hello, The Net has let out the truth. They wanted to allow for more consumerism and to have another propaganda medium. Any leaks can always be countered with other “true” versions. They also knew most don’t have the inclination or time to investigate well. Finally, a % of people “knowing” per say does not threaten them really.

  14. bobinget on Mon, 29th May 2017 11:03 am 

    D.Trump’s rise to power highlighted this President’s unprecedented dishonesty, corruption, stupidity, contempt for everyone but himself.
    DJT’s disloyalty to any cause except power and money lit a huge flame under the chattering class.

    There’s little to be frightened of any longer in DJT.
    President Trump is clearly a sick man that neither
    the Russians or Europeans or Asians can ‘use’ any longer. Thank goodness. Had a younger person as devious, with an once of intellect, a firm grip
    on reality, presenting as sane, taken power the world would be in real trouble.

  15. GregT on Mon, 29th May 2017 11:04 am 

    “With the internet some of us have woken up”

    There was plenty of literature available long before the ‘internet’, for anybody who chose to pay attention to it. The internet just made that information more accessible to the masses.
    Obviously, however, most still have their heads firmly buried in the sand.

  16. Cloggie on Mon, 29th May 2017 11:11 am


  17. Davy on Mon, 29th May 2017 11:12 am 

    Right Eugene, you have an emotional hatred of the US instead of a balanced view of a bigger picture. You are worse than a typical anti-American from another country. You have to prove a point by wallowing in self-pity and guilt. There is much to be critical of but getting emotional about it with an unbalanced agenda puts you in the category of a makati type. Eugene, have you ever said anything positive? I have not read anything. You are pissed off for personal reasons and project that on to America as a whole. Maybe it is your proximity to Canada you caught rabies from one of them.

  18. Hubert on Mon, 29th May 2017 11:21 am 

    America has always been a useless cancer to the world. Always pretending to be something it never were.

    Eisenhower Farewell Address:

  19. Dave Thompson on Mon, 29th May 2017 11:23 am 

    The 911 story is fascinating I really like the part of how the laws physics were defied by an old man in a cave.

  20. Hubert on Mon, 29th May 2017 11:27 am 

    9/11 and the Cheney Conspiracy with Michael Ruppert (pt.2/2):


    Russ Baker | Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty and America’s Invisible Government

  21. GregT on Mon, 29th May 2017 11:28 am 

    “an old man in a cave.”

    I believe that the official conspiracy theory involved “an intricate network of caves”. Of course the masses would never consider THAT to be questionable. Goes to show just how dumbed down people really are.

  22. onlooker on Mon, 29th May 2017 11:37 am 

    Haha, or how a building that was never hit by plane turned to rubble also. ummm

  23. Hello on Mon, 29th May 2017 11:45 am 

    >>>> Makati is in no position to abolish the Fed or prevent Israel from acquiring nukes

    Yes, but he’s in a position to tell the “truth” on internet platforms.
    It is dangerous game the TPTB is playing here. What happens if the “truth” gains momentum?
    A clever TPTB should take mak out, why take the risk?

    Could all this just be conspiracy nonsense? It almost seems like it.

  24. GregT on Mon, 29th May 2017 11:53 am 

    “Yes, but he’s in a position to tell the “truth” on internet platforms.”

    People in general don’t want to hear the truth. They find lies to be more comfortable.

  25. Hubert on Mon, 29th May 2017 11:55 am 

    Stupid AMERICAN IDIOTS will buy into anything that their lying government tells them.

    TalkingStickTV – Russ Baker – Boston Marathon Bombing:

  26. Hello on Mon, 29th May 2017 12:06 pm 

    >>>>> People in general

    Maybe so.
    But would you risk it, GregT, if you were TPTB? If you’re not careful all of a sudden you lost control. Why not taking out mak right now? Be done with it?

    Could the answer be that things are quite different? That the conspiracy nonsense is exactly what it sounds like it is? Nonsense?

  27. Hubert on Mon, 29th May 2017 12:49 pm 

    And you wonder why 50 million American Idiots are living on Food Stamps.

  28. GregT on Mon, 29th May 2017 1:31 pm 

    “That the conspiracy nonsense is exactly what it sounds like it is? Nonsense?”

    You mean like the conspiracy nonsense that a group of Arabs with boxcutters hijacked a bunch of passenger jet aircraft and took out WT1, WT2, WT6, and the supposedly most secure complex in the world; The Pentagon?

    Or the one about the illegal invasion of Iraq because Saddam Hussein was building a nuclear bomb? Or that the invasion of Afghanistan was because they were harbouring terrorists? Or how about the one where The Russian Federation instigated a civil war in Ukraine so they could annex Crimea? Yup, plenty of conspiracy nonsense to go around. Absolutely amazing that people actually fall for this crap.

  29. onlooker on Mon, 29th May 2017 1:48 pm 

    Or that Trump and Russia stole the election. Yes, conspiracies and myths abound and the foolish believe them. And the more keen and sagacious believe what their rational mind tells them

  30. Hello on Mon, 29th May 2017 1:56 pm 

    Exactly GregT, you seem to get it. All nonsense.

    Or wait, I have another one. is nothing but a jew owned banker webpage where the deep state influences the unemployed basement dwellers (like yourself) to buy into renewable fuel sources. Ain’t that good?

  31. Apneaman on Mon, 29th May 2017 2:12 pm 

    The ones who have been thrown under the bus “get it”.

    Sorry there is no longer a place for you in the capitalist society you were born into – fuck off and die.

    Suicide Increases Across Tennessee

    “New numbers from the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network show suicide has increased 13 percent in Tennessee in one year. Those most at risk are white, middle-aged, men.”

    More to come.

  32. Hello on Mon, 29th May 2017 2:22 pm 

    >>> Sorry there is no longer a place for you in the capitalist society

    Nothing to do with capitalist society, all to do with ever increasing automation.
    Automation reduces the dumber members of society into consumer bots. All of a sudden having no purpose in society is a hard pill to swallow and many will crack.

  33. JuanP on Mon, 29th May 2017 2:44 pm 

    Hello “What happens if the “truth” gains momentum?” people would have to be way smarter than they are for that to be possible and TPTB know that. These motherfuckers are greedy delusional psychopaths but they are not stupid.

  34. onlooker on Mon, 29th May 2017 3:30 pm 

    Nothing to do with capitalist society, all to do with ever increasing automation.–ugh
    What do you think capitalism is about, maximizing profit via automation as one way

  35. Apneaman on Mon, 29th May 2017 3:40 pm 

    Hello, why automate if not to gain more capital? The clue is in the name of the ideology – capitalism. If they gave a shit about other humans it would be peopleisim, but it’s not, it’s about obtaining as much capital as possible and fuck you if you are no longer useful to them. Next is the white collar automation and those asshole are really going to be surprised when their stupid jobs get automated.

    The Parts of America Most Susceptible to Automation

    No, they’re not in the Rust Belt.

    The Subtle Ways Technology is Eliminating Jobs

    Nation Expected to Lose 30% of Jobs to Automation in 15 Years

    When enough of these people get organized they will revolt.

    It’ll even out in a decade or so when the great human die off starts.

  36. Hello on Mon, 29th May 2017 3:55 pm 

    >>>> fuck you if you are no longer useful to them

    True. If you’re not useful, fuck you. That has not much to do with either capitalism nor automation.

  37. onlooker on Mon, 29th May 2017 3:56 pm 

    Haha all of those who do mundane work on computers. As the link above relates not only are the elites needing us less but the computers as well, Redundant Redundant Redundant Redundant error message on computer screen

  38. Hello on Mon, 29th May 2017 4:01 pm 

    >>>> What do you think capitalism is about, maximizing profit via automation

    nope. Automation is about doing work more efficient. Has nothing to do with capitalism.

    Maybe you used automation yourself sometimes in your home? For example by setting a timer to start the oven to bake a cake? You see, instead of you standing next to the stove waiting for the right time, an AUTOMATIC timer did the job for you. Clearly you were not using it to maximize your profit, or were you?

  39. Hello on Mon, 29th May 2017 4:03 pm 

    >>>> The Subtle Ways Technology is Eliminating Jobs

    That’s correct. Automation makes a lot of jobs performed by dumber member of society obsolete. Hence reducing them to consumer bots. That leads to suicide.

    Careful guys, I expect that some of the dumber posters on PO can soon be replaced by a PO member automata. What are you gonna do then?

  40. onlooker on Mon, 29th May 2017 4:11 pm 

    You got Hello. Efficiency as in expending less to get more. Or in your example to entice people to buy because of comfort and convenience from automation. Above all, cutting labor costs

  41. Hello on Mon, 29th May 2017 4:18 pm 

    >>>>> You got Hello. Efficiency as in expending less to get more

    exactly. Has nothing to do with capitalism.

    Or does it?

    Did you ever buy a cheaper piece of apparatus just because you wanted MORE bang for the buck? Is it possible in the end, that YOU, the consumer is guilty for the quest to ever CHEAPER and CHEAPER?
    It could not be, right? The consumer is the victim here, not the offender. Right?

  42. Cloggie on Mon, 29th May 2017 4:21 pm 

    About 9/11:

    The 911 story is fascinating I really like the part of how the laws physics were defied by an old man in a cave.

    Here are real architectural professional explaining why the official story is a lie. All the WTC buildings were blown up:

  43. onlooker on Mon, 29th May 2017 4:28 pm 

    It could not be, right? The consumer is the victim here, not the offender. Right?—
    To some degree you have a point, But remember we are all victims of our environment and circumstances. Greed is a natural tendency in this monetized materialistic world. As expressed in the movie “Silence of the Lambs”
    Hannibal: What do you covet agent Starling?
    Answer: You covet what you see

  44. Apneaman on Mon, 29th May 2017 6:13 pm 

    Hello, obviously you are a disciple of capitalism and defend your secular religion like a child defends his belief in Santa. Ideology or religion – same shit. Same terror management strategy. Same clinging to the security blanket.

    So what occupation do you do that makes you so superior to these so called “dumb people”. Are you a world class brain surgeon? I doubt it. You could get hit by a bus tonight and die and the boss will have you replaced the next day and your coworkers will have forgotten you withing a week or two. Lets hear about these unique and special skills you have or shut the fuck up.

    The way you put them down and blame them is known as systems justification. It’s just the strategy you and people like you have come up with to relive your growing cognitive dissonance created by a very obvious failing system (capitalism) and your failing country. If you admit to the failures then you’re admitting you are a failure because you hitched your wagon (identity) to capitalism.
    Clinging to made up belief systems is what cowards and weaklings do.


    System justification is a social psychology term of art that designates any motivational tendency to defend, bolster, or rationalize existing social, economic, and political arrangements. It is conceptualized as a response tendency possessed by many, or perhaps most, members of society to see aspects of the overarching social system as good, fair, and legitimate. Consequently, alternatives to the status quo are often derogated or avoided for ideologically defensive reasons. In other words, system justification is an inherently conservative inclination to preserve “the way things are,” sometimes even at the expense of objective social interests

    It’s not your beloved system and it’s just a big coincidence that millions of dumb people organically sprang from the earth. It’s the people NOT the system.

    Tell yourself.

  45. Apneaman on Mon, 29th May 2017 6:26 pm 

    New report from another neo liberal capitalist paradise.

    Report reveals scale of food bank use in the UK

    Project by Independent Food Aid Network finds at least 2,000 food banks giving out parcels, with demand continuing to grow

    “… it gave out a record 1.2m food parcels to families and individuals in need in 2016-17, the ninth successive year in which demand had risen.”

    ninth successive year? Gee what happened 9 years ago? Oh right that’s when the system crashed and had to be bailed out by the people. Fail

  46. onlooker on Mon, 29th May 2017 6:29 pm 

    Then tell yourself HELLO, the System created itself. Nah, the System has been conceptualized by those who are are intoxicated with power.

  47. ALCIADA-MOLE on Mon, 29th May 2017 7:01 pm 

    Before becoming a Paultard, I was worshiping before the altar of JFK. I loved the man for setting far flung vision that propelled America ahead of the rest of the world.

    When people say America is no longer great they really mean we’re no longer the America when JFK was President and Stanley Kubrick was alive AND we walked on the moon.

    Words, images, and logic are inadequate to describe reality. We can never get to the bottom of it but that’s when you just listen, really listen to what the musicians have to say.

  48. Hubert on Mon, 29th May 2017 9:33 pm 

    Hello is perfect example of useless idiot that corperate America just loves while they ship all the jobs overseas.

  49. GregT on Tue, 30th May 2017 1:24 am 

    Hello is perfect example of a useless idiot.

    There, fixed it for you. No need to expand any further.

  50. Hello on Tue, 30th May 2017 6:32 am 

    Ape: So what occupation do you do that makes you so superior to these so called “dumb people”.

    I have never said I’m superior to dumb people. Learn to read you retard.

    I said automation reduces dumb people to consumer bots.
    A society is Gaussian distributed. It consists of very smart, smart, normal, dumb, dumber, and idiots. That’s what every society looks like. It’s nature.

    As automation becomes ever more intelligent, it will eat its way into ever more intelligent work. Essentially in the end making everybody useless.

    That’s the problem. That’s a huge social issue right there that should be addressed. All I ever hear from pro-automation folks is that the replaced workers can be retrained as something-something specialist. That is simply a lie.

    So to make it clear to you dumbass Ape: I see automation as a HUGE social problem that is not dealt with properly at the moment.

    Yet still, automation has nothing to do with capitalism. Get it now, moron. Man you are easy to be replaced with an automata, that’s for sure. I think my Nintendo DS is smarter than you.

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