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Page added on November 21, 2013

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Canada woos EU with oil study

Canadian Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver said from London energy standards in the European Union discriminate against Canadian crude oil grades.

“Canada supports the EU Commission’s objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions for transportation fuels but believes it must be based on science and facts,” Oliver said Tuesday from London. “Unfortunately, the Fuel Quality Directive, as currently drafted, is unscientific and discriminatory … harm[s] the European refinery industry and [does] not achieve its environmental objective.”

The European directive ranks conventional crude oil, bitumen, known also as oil sands, and shale oil according to the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. The values are used to determine which grade contributes how much to total emissions. The European Union aims to cut its emissions from fuel by 6 percent of their 2010 levels by 2020.

The Canadian government last week published a report saying oil sands in some cases produces the same or fewer emissions than conventional crude oil from countries like Nigeria or Venezuela.

Oliver said greenhouse gas emissions per barrel of oil production at home decreased 26 percent from 1990 to 2011.

The Canadian government is working to diversify an energy sector dependent almost exclusively on the United States for oil exports.


8 Comments on "Canada woos EU with oil study"

  1. J-Gav on Thu, 21st Nov 2013 9:55 pm 


  2. dissident on Thu, 21st Nov 2013 11:04 pm 

    Garbage propaganda “study”. The emissions are in the form of the largest tailings ponds on the planet full of acidic toxic waste and the contamination of local rivers with deformed fish. Canadian tar sands derived synthetic crude is not Saudi light sweet grade. The EU is free to assess the environmental impact from the whole operation and not just what will happen when they burn this junk at home.

  3. DC on Fri, 22nd Nov 2013 3:15 am 

    Joe Olivers actual title is;

    Minister for the Tar-Sands.

    Thats it. That how he spends most of his time. Pimping the tar-sands to anyone that will listen, for his boss, S. Harper. And Harper works for amerikan oil. So what does that make Oliver?

  4. Arthur on Fri, 22nd Nov 2013 6:54 am 

    Oliver oil?

  5. DC on Fri, 22nd Nov 2013 7:05 am 


  6. bobinget on Fri, 22nd Nov 2013 2:09 pm 

    Exporting any Alberta’s oil to Europe sounds aspirational, not reality.
    Canada still IMPORTS over 770,000 B p/d
    On the East coast. While it is also true some crude is refined and reshipped to Europe, None is Canadian crude to begin with.

    When crude was fetching higher prices in Canada’s West it made sense to import in the East. Today, pipelines that once carried gas East are being reversed because of cheap US shale gas in the East.
    At best these new/old lines will carry not more then half of Eastern Canada’s needs. One spring, summer and fall ride bike West to East. Around Sask, your mind begins to wander but never to the point of laying pipe that distance.

  7. bobinget on Fri, 22nd Nov 2013 2:14 pm 

    JUst recalled, Newfoundland and Labrador
    is producing off-shore.

  8. foxv on Fri, 22nd Nov 2013 4:31 pm 

    “Canada woos EU with oil study”

    Gad, I love being Canadian. I’m serious too. What other Country’s politician would woo someone by calling their efforts unscientific, harmful and discriminatory.

    I don’t take myself very seriously, and neither do a lot of my countrymen. It’s a reputation that proceeds us and is well deserved

    Go Olli!

    Ultimately though, money talks. If Canada can produce oil or refined products more cheaply than other EU suppliers, they’ll buy. And if not, someone else well.

    We maybe foolish at times, but at least we know what Fungible means. XD

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