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Page added on March 30, 2011

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A Saudi Oil Supply Disruption-The Ultimate Crisis Scenario

This morning, I had a very revealing conversation with Vance Scott, a Partner at A.T. Kearney who leads the Energy and Chemicals Practice in the Americas. What might a marketing strategist have to discuss with an oil analyst, you ask? These days: lots – because 2011 is shaping up to be the year of the Black Swan. I’m not referring to the movie, but to Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s thesis about unforeseen events that can have drastic consequences.

If someone had predicted six months ago that the self-immolation of a Tunisian merchant would lead to a domino effect of established Middle Eastern regimes collapsing in Tunisia and Egypt, and wobbling in Bahrain, Jordan, Syria and Yemen, we would have written him off as a conspiracy theorist. If the prognosticator added that at the same time, Japan would be nearly brought to its knees by a tsunami and a desperate struggle to prevent multiple simultaneous nuclear meltdowns, you would have thought him an untalented screenwriter.

And yet… this is the reality we face in the spring of 2011. All of these crisis are still playing out, and their outcomes are still very much up in the air. But marketing is a forward-looking field. At a time when consumer priorities and behavior are influenced by factors outside regular marketing relationships, we must redouble our effort to get ahead of the curve. The best way to do that is to anticipate the marketing impact of potential future Black Swan scenarios.

In many ways, a disruption of Saudi oil supply would be the ultimate Black Swan. Scott, who knows Saudi Arabia well, thinks the likelihood of the regime becoming unstable is low. As Scott puts it: “In the 1970s, Saudi Arabia was confronted with a wave of unrest and began investing heavily and systematically in social programs. The common man in Saudi Arabia might think that moving to more democracy would be an o.k. thing – but not a critical thing. He’s not frustrated enough to take to the streets” What’s more, the Saudi security apparatus is battle-hardened through confrontations with Al Qaeda in the past decade.

And still: in 2011, the term “unlikely” doesn’t quite carry the weight it used to. When I asked Scott to describe the impact of a Saudi oil disruption scenario, a one-word answer was not long in coming: “Catastrophic. Saudi Arabia produces 9.5-10 million barrels a day… If something were to take Saudi export facilities offline, it would lead to a major swing in volume flowing to China, Europe and the US. Nothing can fill that gap, certainly not in the near term. It would lead to natural short end market.”

How short a short end? “If something major happened in their export terminals, $200 per barrel would come very quickly, and it could go easily beyond that. I  could see $300 oil in the near term.” As a reference point: the oil price peak in 2008 was around $140.

The impact on the economy, and on consumers, would be nothing short of drastic: “If the oil price reached $200-250 and held there, fuel prices would double. This would have a real impact on consumer and corporate spending and behaviors. Scenarios by oil companies anticipate 30-40% demand destruction at such levels.”

Remember the term stagflation? A Saudi supply disruption would likely lead to something more aptly described as recflation: a recession with simultaneous inflation. A recession, because economic activity would stall. Inflation, because costs for fuel, transportation and petroleum derivatives (plastics, glues and the like) would jump. Some examples: consumers would limit driving; disposable income would take a big hit. Companies would try to minimize shipping, rethink their supply chains and increase prices for products containing oil derivatives.

At the same time, Scott cautions we shouldn’t expect an exact replay of the 1970s oil shock: “Today, people are more conscious of the environment. With $7-10 gasoline people will opt for public transport not just because it’s good for their pocketbook, but also because they think it’s the right thing for the future. $7-10 gas would lead to changes in how people go about their everyday lives, even to changes where they choose to live. They might walk to a store when possible, or use light rail or a bike to go to the office. Lower consumption nowadays has an effect of making people feel good about environment consciousness.”

Longer term, Scott would see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel: “When you dampen demand to that extent, it would bring supply and demand back into balance… after a year or two.”

Regardless the outcome of the current Black Swans, and whatever else 2011 might throwing in our way: the mission of a marketer is to discover opportunity even under adverse circumstances.


One Comment on "A Saudi Oil Supply Disruption-The Ultimate Crisis Scenario"

  1. Simon in BC on Wed, 30th Mar 2011 11:24 am 

    $7 – $10 a gallon gas is what most of Europe has been paying for years. 😛

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