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Page added on February 5, 2016

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Radioactive Fracking: The Untold Natural Gas Story

A significant public health hazard associated with drilling for natural gas is from radioactive radon gas…

6 Comments on "Radioactive Fracking: The Untold Natural Gas Story"

  1. rockman on Fri, 5th Feb 2016 8:17 am 

    First, any company accidentally spilling frac fluids on the ground (let alone illegally dumping them) should be severely punished. Second, the “radioactive” spin is pure unadulterated bullsh*t. LOL. Every breath of air you take in is “radioactive”. Every bite of food you swallow is “radioactive”. The dirt in your yard is “radioactive”. And most of that radiation comes from elements much more dangerous than radon…like uranium. And when you stand in the sun you’re being bombarded by radioactivity. And yes: over the last 50 years millions of times more radon has been released into homes that had NG stoves then is being released from those wells. In fact it has been well documented that the vast majority of methane leaks (which contain a very small amount of radon) comes from local distribution system run by the utility companies and from individual homes.

    And they even hype the radon exposure incorrectly. The lead evolved from radon is so minute it will never cause a health issue. Radon gas OTOH can cause cancer but only in areas of high concentrations. And those areas aren’t around wells but where folks live with igneous rocks at and near the surface. But the daily radon gas concentration itself is meaningless. The problem develops when the radon accumulates in a closed area like a basement. It will attach itself to microscopic dust particles. Disturb that dust, breath it in and you have a situation similar to breather asbestos. The radioactive particles embed themselves in your lung tissue. Over decades the slow decay of those particles bombard your cells and can cause cancer. About 25 years ago there was a big national radon scare put out by some folks. You would find radon test kits at the checkout counters in drug stores. The vast majority of folks buying them lived in areas where there was zero danger but they didn’t understand the science well enough to know it. And many folks in areas where radon MIGHT pose a health issue didn’t know how to test properly nor interpret test results.

    In the oil patch we have a term for such contamination: NORM…Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material. It typically becomes a regulatory issue involving tubing/casing pulled from a well that had been producing for many years. The NORN would accumulate very slowly in thin layers of the steel. In Texas and La. such NORM contaminated material has to be sent to a certified recovery site to deal with it. But again there’s zero danger standing next to such pipe or even handling it: it’s a very low dosage. But the regulators don’t want it washed off and enter the food chain. And yes: washing the dirt of a piece of NORM covered pipe is illegal in both states unless you’re one of the certified companies allowed to deal with it.

    BTW video of the flaming water faucet is almost certainly faked. Not that methane can’t and hasn’t contaminated fresh water acquirers. But the vast majority of those documented cases resulted from natural contamination and not oilfield activities. I’ve mentioned before about finding a very nice 20’ NG reservoir (not contaminated fresh water but a real reservoir) at a depth of 50’ in an area where water wells are around 150’ deep. But even then the concentration of methane in water contaminated naturally by drilling activity is too low to flame. The infamous video of that fellow in N Texas showing flames coming out of his garden hose was proven to be real. But he could do that for decades before any well was drilled near him: the acquirer had been contaminated with methane naturally for millions of years. Long ago he had installed a methane siphon pipe in his water well to vent the gas. The folks who made the video rolled over on him when confronted by Texas rangers and admitted they knew it was a fake. Not only did his lawsuit get thrown out but uncharacteristically the company he tried to sue filed a multi-million claim against him with the sole goal to destroy him financially. Most companies don’t usually go after folks who try to extort money out of them. I suspect the owner of this small company took his lie personally and decided to get his pound of flesh. LOL

  2. mbnewtrain on Fri, 5th Feb 2016 9:28 am 

    The main hazard from natural gas containing radon is when it is burned in an enclosed space, such as a kitchen. If a stove is burning methane that has radon naturally mixed in, that radioactive gas can remain in the house. Breathing this residual radon gas can raise ones chances for getting lung cancer, but it is miniscule compared to risk from smoking.
    But remember, if natural gas can contains very small amounts of radon, the hazard can be eliminated by running an exhaust fan in the kitchen when using a gas stove or oven.
    The issue of tying fracking to radon exposure is a non-starter, as the gas is often found in vertical gas wells never fracked.

  3. makati1 on Fri, 5th Feb 2016 9:41 am 

    Agree or deny…

    “For those living in the area, be warned: you are inhaling deadly radiation. And while the dose is not immediately lethal, prolonged inhalation and exposure may lead to a spike in cancer-related disease and deaths over coming years.”

    And the suicide of America goes on…

  4. buddavis on Fri, 5th Feb 2016 10:02 am 

    There is more NORM in the steps leading up to the capital building in Baton Rouge Louisiana than there is in a typical string of pipe pulled from the ground in a well.

    These videos feed on ignorance

  5. geopressure on Fri, 5th Feb 2016 7:27 pm 

    So the Saudis & Russians are making another big antifracing campaign?

    Haha… Awesome Timing…

    I bet this kinda shit really drives Obama Crazy when all his easily impressionable, tree-hugging hippies start jumping on a bandwagon that not his own…

  6. Alpha9 on Sun, 7th Feb 2016 6:02 am

    FTSN News? Exposing the PAPAL New World Order???

    if ever there was a Wing Nut web site.

    Radioactive Fracking Waste is an issue, but you’ve got to find a Reputable web site.

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