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Page added on February 3, 2016

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The rise of humankind, in one mesmerizing map

Today, human influence has transformed almost every part of the globe. But looking at the span of human history, this wasn’t the case until quite recently.

That’s one of the many lessons from a series of fascinating maps and charts from, which shows the explosive growth of the world’s human population from 1 CE (1 AD) to the present and into the future.

Each of the dots in the map below indicates 1 million people, with some of the dots placed in the middle of a more spread-out population. The video demonstrates how the world population grew from only 170 million people in 1 CE to nearly 7.4 billion currently. And according to recent estimates from the World Bank, we will add another 4 billion people by 2100.

The map starts shortly after the one minute mark in the video below. Make sure to watch to the end to see the most incredible part — the exponential growth of the world’s population since the Industrial Revolution.

One of the first things that jumps out at you from this video is that China and India have always been kind of a big deal. The huge populations of South and East Asia, especially around the Yellow and Ganges rivers, stretches back to ancient times. You can also see early civilizations along the Mediterranean Sea and the Nile River, and in Japan, Indonesia, the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa.

By contrast, the Americas are much more sparsely populated. You can see the Aztec and the Inca populations flourish around 1400, as well as some other ancient populations, like the Mayans and the Moche. But the population of the Americas doesn’t really start to boom until after the Industrial Revolution.

If you watch the video closely, you can see some populations wane as well — including Europe’s loss of millions of people from the Black Death, and the fall of the Incan Empire with European colonization.

The site includes an interactive version of this map that tells you what civilizations all these dots represent. It also includes a cool site where you can enter your birthday to see how many people were alive on Earth when you were born. For example, if your birth is Jan. 1, 1980, the site shows you that there were 4,449,226,229 other people alive when you were born.

Wash Post

54 Comments on "The rise of humankind, in one mesmerizing map"

  1. Ty on Wed, 3rd Feb 2016 4:42 pm 

    This is well worth watching. Thank you!

  2. Apneaman on Wed, 3rd Feb 2016 4:44 pm 

    This is not about increases in gas or oil extraction or economic growth, therefore I have lost my ability to understand math or pay attention in the slightest.

  3. Apneaman on Wed, 3rd Feb 2016 4:52 pm 

    Could these cancer cheerleaders be any more disconnected from reality?

    Food Stamps Still Feed One in Seven Americans Despite Recovery

    Cancer patient still not breathing despite being pronounced cured. Go figure?


  4. Truth Has A Liberal Bias on Wed, 3rd Feb 2016 5:18 pm 

    Interesting map. I feel certain that humanity will soon face a mass die-off/population bottleneck secondary to resource scarcity, specifically crude oil, and climate change. Humanity will not respond well to the challenge and the choices many people make to mitigate their own personal crisis will exacerbate the overall situation. Tough and tragic times ahead indeed.

  5. dave thompson on Wed, 3rd Feb 2016 6:30 pm 

    The big jump starting around1860- 1900 with the advent of FF refinement and use is the sugar added to the brew of population exponential growth.

  6. Pennsyguy on Wed, 3rd Feb 2016 7:57 pm 

    Lest we forget:

    Ecological Impact=Population size x Resources Used Per Capita

  7. GregT on Wed, 3rd Feb 2016 8:19 pm 

    “The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.” -Albert Bartlett

    Much like yeast.

  8. makati1 on Wed, 3rd Feb 2016 9:15 pm 

    The graph needs to be extended to the year 2100 where it will again be zero. The decline is going to be even steeper than the last 100 year assent. More like straight down after a small plateau where the economic collapse takes place.

  9. Outcast_Searcher on Wed, 3rd Feb 2016 9:55 pm 

    You might want to try a citation Makati1, given that the video you’re commenting on says the population will be 10 billion.

    But of course, the doomer who uses the wrong word (assent instead of ascent) knows more than everyone else.

  10. makati1 on Wed, 3rd Feb 2016 10:54 pm 

    Outcast, think… 10 billion in a world that is crashing around you is not likely or even possible.

    They are just using a ruler to extend past population growth into the future. Nothing to back it up. Just vague guesses.

    Population growth depends on resource growth and all resources are shrinking, not growing. I do not need a government funded think tank to tell me how to think. I learned that in school 60 years ago. Did you?

    Also consider the source of the above graph. And where it was published. Neither source is reliable and both are government controlled. Try to prove me wrong. You will not find out who sponsors the site or how much they get from corporate sources. I tried. You only get a vague statement that they are funded by “contributions”. ALWAYS check out the source and who signs the paycheck. THEN decide if it is likely to be true.

  11. theedrich on Wed, 3rd Feb 2016 11:31 pm 

    We live on a dying planet.  More accurately, we live on a planet that is being murdered by overly ravenous humans using hypocrisy to mask their crime.

    The basic fact:  the unrecognized and/or denied factor driving the evolution of life is memory.  The first to acknowledge this was the 19th-and-early-20th-century German zoologist, Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919), who expressed it with his famous formula, “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny” („Die Ontogenese rekapituliert die Phylogenese”), and who spoke pantheistically of “cellular memory” (mneme, from Greek μνήμη “memory”) and of the “souls of crystals” („Kristallseelen”), e.g., of snowflakes.  In other words, Haeckel saw that the early development of an individual life form retraces, in abbreviated, contracted manner, the evolution of its evolutionary ancestors, in accord with the fundamentally psychic character of all nature.  As he saw it, the continually growing and self-restructuring memory of that evolution guides the psychosomatic growth of a species’ members.

    In the 20th and now 21st centuries, Haeckel’s new biological paradigm has been fleshed out in greater specificity with the investigations and formulations of British biologist and philosopher Rupert Sheldrake (1942-present) and Canadian-American Ian Stevenson (1918-2007), inter alia professor of psychiatry at the University of Virginia for a half century.

    Sheldrake explains that living beings are guided in their growth by morphic fields, which are fields of collective ancestral memory with which a developing creature stands in morphic resonance across spacetime.  (Various aspects of these fields are sometimes known in psychology as archetypes, and often show up in art.)  Stevenson, on the other hand, did a lifetime of research about what is frequently called “reincarnation”;  that research produced incontrovertible evidence of, among other things, how body-disfiguring lethal wounds of people killed violently have often shown up as birth marks and birth defects in genetically similar, or even related, other people who were born afterward (usually within just a few years).

    Naturally, both Sheldrake and Stevenson, as Haeckel before them, have been savaged by the fanatics of the religion of 19th-century mechanistic materialism which today dominates academe and government-supported, so-called “science.”  They are also violently assailed by the popular Western religions — Christianity, Mohammedanism, Judaism —, since such belief systems traffic in lucrative and power-securing fantasies which are much more attractive than the boring truth.

    But these same religions and this same materialism amount to an onslaught on the recognition of the “mnemonic” dynamic of nature which has brought us into being.  The deadly combination of “anti-racism” and of making money at any cost is suffocating the entire biosphere.  For eons nature has used “redness in tooth and claw” to keep biotic excess within bounds and to drive evolution forward.  Now, however, our elites are determined to let every humanoid life form, no matter how pithecanthropic (pace Pithecanthropus Hongcoveriensis), explode in numbers at the expense of the biosphere and to the extinction of the White race, the most advanced fauna the earth has ever produced.

    How did this deadly state come to be?

    Human (and other animal) intelligence is a product of the neocortex.  This, in turn, developed partly as a means of restraining the blind instincts (i.e., ancestral, phylogenetic memories) emerging from the deep (“reptilian”) brain at biologically inappropriate times.

    But the obverse of this “restraining” function is a tendency to neurosis.  The more intelligent a person or race is, the greater his or its susceptibility to neurosis.  Negroes, for instance, being on average less intelligent than other races, are also less neurotic and more “spontaneous.”  Ashkenazi Jews, at the top end, with glucosylceramide-enhanced dendritogenesis, are the most intelligent, least impulsive and simultaneously most liable to be neurotic.  (Dendritic overproduction also makes them susceptible to many serious genetic maladies, but that is beside the point under discussion.)  And behind all of this lies the deeply buried, mostly unrecognized but causative dynamic of morphic resonance — the action of species-wide and, indeed, cosmic memory.

    Unless the White race somehow throws off the neurosis of its Stockholm syndrome, of its genosuicidal materialism (masked as “helping the downtrodden colored out of poverty,” of sacrificially paying for “original sin,” etc.), the planet is now doomed.  Either the laws of nature (ridiculed as “social Darwinism”) about extinction of the dysgenic impediments to evolution are followed, or the earth is finished.

    In short, the “anti-racists” have to go.  The White-Guiltists must be shoved aside.  Political correctness must give way to truth.  Genetic and eugenic rigor must prevail over sob stories.

    But the predominant drivel about compassion and White Guilt is unlikely to disappear, since it sells so well — religiously, economically and politically.  Currently, the Demonic Party in the United States and its analogues in our European vassals are importing ThirdWorld subhumans by the millions in order to keep themselves in power.

    Thus, we can expect only the collapse of the West, of earth’s biosystem and of 4.65 billion years of planetary evolution.  And we have only our neurotic Western elites to thank.

  12. Apneaman on Wed, 3rd Feb 2016 11:37 pm 

    Mak, 10 billion no way. I’d be surprised to see it get to 8.

    : Climate: Misunderstood Impacts

    “We have three interviews this week, including 2 climate scientists. Andy Pitman: new science on how climate really hits us. Plus Johan Rockstrom, the Swedish leader of planetary boundaries, followed by Lynn Benander on community power in New England.”

    “First of all, two degrees C warming is demonstrably not “safe”. We are already experiencing extreme weather events, ocean acidification, coral die-off and much more. Pitman says the two degrees was accepted not because it was scientific, but because it was thought to be possible.

    Secondly, the whole concept of a two degree global mean temperature as a goal is almost meaningless. We do not live in “average” climates. Their study found several parts of the world that will warm by two degrees (or more) as early as 2030. We’re talking about the Mediterranean for example. That region will dry out and heat even more. You think you’ve seen mass migration now? It’s only going to become worse, as more agriculture fails in North Africa, the Middle East, and places like Greece, Italy, and Spain.”

  13. twocats on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 12:00 am 

    Outcast –

    what good would a citation do for a future prediction? But just to take a gander…

    Most major institutions studying the issue assume population will continue to go up until about 2100 and then level off at about 10 billion. Some believe this is a resource issue (these idiots for instance:

    Most believe this will happen BECAUSE development will be SO widespread that fertility rates will simply follow the trends found in developed nations. Seriously, even when environmental groups start to put the facts together they still get it wrong. Take this example from the United Nations Environment Program discussion paper for Rio +20:

    “The historical reality of the relationship between per capita energy consumption and per capita GDP is illustrated in the graph above. As we reach (or have reached) “peak oil” (49) [my note: have reached!! in 2012?!, unpossible!!], there is good reason to question the sustainability of the current trend of rising global per capita GDP, barring the emergence of a cheap and abundant alternative energy source (40,45).”

    “All of this suggests that demographic transition may not be inevitable and that population growth and the question of carrying capacity may still be important concerns. Complacent reliance on demographic transition, however politically acceptable it might be, is highly problematic. The current population is believed by many to overshoot the Earth’s capacity to sustainably support it already (9,18). To bring developing countries up to consumption levels of developed countries—and thereby trigger demographic transition—would magnify per capita impact on top of an increasing number of consumers.”

    You got that?! Because we are hitting peak oil, that’s gonna put a damper on the whole rising GDP boat, and therefore population is gonna go UP because, well, developing nations are too poor not to have babies. Clearly we need more citations.

  14. Apneaman on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 12:28 am 

    the douche says, “Sheldrake explains”

    Bahahahahahaha what a fucking retard. Both of ya.

    “Sheldrake has not changed his mind, and goes on believing in telepathy. He claims that people psychically know when they are being stared at despite many problems with his research, and that dogs know when their owners are coming home, in spite of the evidence against it (pdf). Perhaps Sheldrake has supernatural powers that the rest of us don’t have or perhaps, as I think more likely, his theory is wrong.

    Yet his book will undoubtedly go on selling. Why? Because people want his theory to be true.”

    “When University of Hertfordshire psychologist Richard Wiseman also attempted to replicate Sheldrake’s research, he found that subjects detected stares at rates no better than chance.”

    “Sheldrake responds that skeptics dampen the morphic field, whereas believers enhance it. Of Wiseman, he remarked: “Perhaps his negative expectations consciously or unconsciously influenced the way he looked at the subjects.”

    “Rupert Sheldrake is a former scientist (very former, as in not doing science any more) who, since the 1980s, has preferred to promote his own pet theory of everything called “morphic resonance”. Sheldrake believes that “memory is inherent in nature” and that “natural systems, such as termite colonies, or pigeons, or orchid plants, or insulin molecules, inherit a collective memory from all previous things of their kind.” and that this “morphic resonance” is also responsible for “telepathy-type interconnections between organisms”. Unsurprisingly, nobody in science takes Sheldrake seriously. However, he has written several books targeted at the general public.”

    “Sheldrake is the owner of the anti-skeptic site “Skeptical Investigations” which claims to debunk skeptics. It is actually a woo haven for all kinds of crank ideas and pseudoscience. The website claims psychokinesis, fraudulent mediums (such as Eusapia Palladino), ghosts, reincarnation, telepathy and other woo-topics have all been scientifically proven.”

    Poor little Douche, angry and fearful in troubled times and clinging to his patchwork pseudo scientific non theories like Linus to his security blanket. If you weren’t such a fucking goof, I might otherwise feel sorry for you. As it is, I bet some are embarrassed for you. Fuck off loser.

  15. theedrich on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 1:17 am 

    Sad, that the man-ape’s ad hominems and his argumentum ad populum prove only his own neurosis.  Obviously he and his mud relatives enjoy the swamp they are swimming in up there too much to see reality.  And, of course, even with his closed mind he knows that if he were ever to admit the truth, his “democratic” government would jail him before he could say Martin Luther King.  He certainly proves the truism that a population is ruled by the overlords it deserves.

  16. GregT on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 1:50 am 

    Now, however, our elites are determined to let every humanoid life form, no matter how pithecanthropic (pace Pithecanthropus Hongcoveriensis), explode in numbers at the expense of the biosphere and to the extinction of the White race, the most advanced fauna the earth has ever produced.

    The population explosion followed in lockstep with the industrial revolution theedrich, which happened to be caused by the White race. The most arrogant fauna to ever walk the face of this planet, and most likely the first and last fauna to cause a global mass extinction event. Our race is pure evil, and you are a prime example of the worst that our race has to offer.

  17. Apneaman on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 2:18 am 

    No douchy, it’s simply a matter of knowing the standards of empirical evidence and what is wishful thinking. You don’t even know what “argumentum ad populum” means. If it’s scientific, the results can be easily repeated by others – did not happen, so it’s just like cold fusion. You’re a believer, just like the religious you despise. Attempting to fulfill the same needs in the exact part of your needy paleolithic ape brain. You need a story to make it all make sense – give it meaning. Sorry douche there is no meaning other than the shit people make up. Speaking of evidence, you’ve made claims of Canadian law being uniquely oppressive (like the US is not a police state) at least a half dozen times. Where’s your evidence? I have asked you each time and still nothing. You live in/under the biggest police/security state that has and will ever exist and they have granted themselves planet wide authority, so shut the fuck up about it.

    The NDAA Explained in 3 Minutes

    Snowden, The NSA and a Crime of High Treason

    Where I’m at is like a picnic compared to the land of the not free.

    Canada stops sharing some spy info with allies after breach

  18. theedrich on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 4:26 am 

    Well, well, now we have two pieces of filth spouting their excrement from the north.  It needs to be repeated that any paradigm accepted by the masses of any given region is self-reaffirming.  There is no way out of the circular-reasoning box.  In a society where government bennies and popular approval are bestowed only on those who regurgitate the received text, it is impossible to break through the fossilized mindsets of the puppets.  It took long and bloody wars to break the back of the medieval Catholic Church and its burnings of heretics, and even then the Protestants long kept up the inherited practice of witch-burnings and the like.  Likewise with you ex-UEL anti-Whites today.  No one can expect genosuicidal Canuck idiots to change their Marxist-leaning rulers, let alone their own minds.  Your bowel movements are merely more of the anti-White MSM stool dropped out by the dictatorial prigs currently in power.

  19. marmico on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 6:05 am 

    Much like yeast.

    You are an energy pig, GreggieT. If your 2015 electricity bill rose by $340 with a B.C. Hydro price increase of 6%, it means ceteris paribus that you spent ~$5,500 in 2014.

    You should be reported for illegally growing hydroponic weed as a cash crop on the doomstead?

  20. Davy on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 7:13 am 

    It is clear in my mind that population growth is no longer a granted. We may see another few years of increases. Let’s say we add another 500MIL to 1.5BIL. This is just my scenario based upon a decaying global economy with the vital oil sector being gutted. We are likely going to start to see food chain issues.

    Our food chain is dominated by just-in-time monocultures processed, packaged, and shipped globally and regionally. The inputs are primarily industrial. In our homes the industrial does not stop with food buying food, cooking it, and disposing of it. The whole process is one big energy excessive undertaking that is non resilient and unsustainable.

    Subsistence farming in the 3rd world and permaculture in the developed world is inadequate to compensate for our unsustainable global industrial agriculture. These aspects of global agriculture do not generate surpluses and are very precarious endeavors especially from social instability.

    This global agriculture must have a robust and healthy financial system so we can trade in trust with fiat currencies. When confidence is lost in that layer we will likewise have trade issues preventing a global agriculture system.

    We now have climate entering an uncertain period. I see multiple indications of abrupt change in the works. In a decade I can see a vastly different climate regime. What I mean by this is not so much you and me noticing it. We are just like frogs in a pot. I am talking our global monocultures that cannot adapt to such drastic changes with the consequences of all those marginally productive areas not producing economically.

    Food production is a little like short’s ETP model. At some point food is not economically to produce. I am a farmer. I have done industrial agriculture and I am doing permaculture now. With what I see coming and what my experiences have been I sometimes wonder just how we are going to make this work in a global crisis. Producing food in an unstable environment at all levels just seems overwhelming. I am talking our global industrial society with all those vital products in production decay, weather disrupted, and social instability.

    What will it take with our food chain to slow population growth? Remember we have very little food stocks built up. We have very little food inputs laying around to support our industrial system. Our financial system does not have a special plan B to support our global food efforts. What we have is one or two years of extraordinary events causing our global industrial food chain to be put to the test and likely at some point not being adequate for even our current population.

    All those developing countries where population is far in excess of carrying capacity are going to especially be hammered. Tell me how Egypt is going to handle a food crisis? Not well. The developed world will likewise have difficulties with large urban populations that do not know how to grow much of anything. Increasingly water and good soil is the issue in the backdrop. War and civil disorder is on the increase.

    I just can’t see how we are going to grow the population much more. I am not sure if this is going to be a “Seneca cliff” but I definitely see a population plateau caused by excess deaths over births. The coming descent paradigm is too complex to predict but it is not hard to see the end of the growth paradigm of the last 150 years.

  21. Alpha9 on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 8:09 am 

    Looks like a Big HOCKEY STICK.

    Who would’a guessed.

  22. JuanP on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 8:15 am 

    Here is TheeDouche with his trailer trash German Nazi white supremacist garbage and sick, sick mind spilling racist venom once more. If he only understood how pathetic it is to have a a racist lunatic like him insulting his intellectual, moral, and ethical superiors.

    Almost everyone on this forum, with maybe one exception, is a better human being than you and your Aryan buddies, Douche, and that includes every brown, yellow, red, or black poster in this forum. The only board member more sick than you is the other redneck white trash member of your trailer park community. You are a disgusting racist scum piece of shit, Douche.

  23. marmico on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 8:27 am 

    Pop growth rate is declining.

    Maybe the innumerates can figure out what date the fertility rate equals the replacement rate.

    At that time he peaker doomers grandchildren will be posting on a web site called and rant and rave that the human race is on the way to extinction.

  24. ghung on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 8:56 am 

    Doesn’t mean much, Marm. Ageing populations mean the crude death rate is inching upwards, and with human population in deep overshoot and consumption at/near all-time highs, it won’t matter much.

  25. marmico on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 9:37 am 

    Your entire psyche is based on peakoil, ghung. You cum on the rutabagas while your spouse makes the dough to pay the property taxes because you are a member of the peakoil tribe – white, male, un(der)employed, baby boomer loser.

    You still subscribe to 1972 Club for Rome and all those other neomalthusian falsifications.

  26. PracticalMaina on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 11:31 am 

    Yeah Ghung, way to grow your own healthy food like an asshole, you’re supposed to be buying a f-350 to do doughnuts to celebrate the current overproduction.

    Marmico in my area a small farm gets some pretty nice property tax breaks.

  27. Kenz300 on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 11:36 am 

    Too many people……….create too much pollution and demand too many resources….

    China made great progress in moving its people out of poverty…….one reason was slowing population growth…..

    If you can not provide for yourself you can not provide for a child.

    CLIMATE CHANGE, declining fish stocks, droughts, floods, air water and land pollution, poverty, water and food shortages all stem from the worlds worst environmental problem……. OVER POPULATION.

    Yet the world adds 80 million more mouths to feed, clothe, house and provide energy and water for every year… this is unsustainable… and is a big part of the Climate Change problem

    Birth Control Permanent Methods: Learn About Effectiveness

  28. Kenz300 on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 11:38 am 

    The worlds poorest people are having the most children. They have not figured out the connection between their poverty and family size. Endless population growth is not sustainable.

    If you can not provide for yourself you can not provide for a child.

    Birth Control Permanent Methods: Learn About Effectiveness

    How Is Climate Change Affecting the Philippines?

  29. GregT on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 11:48 am 


    I wasn’t living on the ‘doomstead’ in 2014. I was living in a large home with landscape lighting, a huge hot tub, and a 10,000 gallon koi pond in the back yard. Not anymore.

    Hydro electric in BC increased by 9% in 2014, not 6%, and it is a two tiered system. 7.9¢/kWh for the first 1354kWh, and it jumps to 11.9¢/kWh above that. You are correct however, my annual electric bill increased by ~ $230 in 2014. Not $340. My bad.

  30. Boat on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 12:13 pm 

    Apneaman on Wed, 3rd Feb 2016 4:52 pm

    “Food Stamps Still Feed One in Seven Americans Despite Recovery”

    To qualify for food assistance your allowed to make up to around $13,000 for a single person.
    Since ya’ll are so China and Russia loving it seems almost all of them would qualify

  31. GregT on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 12:26 pm 


    “Since ya’ll are so China and Russia loving it seems almost all of them would qualify”

    What does any of your usual nonsense spewed above, have to do with US economic recovery?

  32. Boat on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 12:58 pm 


    I am obligated to throw the light of comparison to the anti American crowd.

  33. Apneaman on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 1:34 pm 

    Das Boat, you a fucking frequent flip flopper. One day you are proudly claiming how capitalism has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty in China and elsewhere and today they are impoverished welfare candidates. You seem to want it both ways depending who and what you are arguing. Every other time you open your cake hole you contradict one of your previous assertions. Duhhh

  34. ghung on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 1:59 pm 

    Right, marmipuke. I don’t grow rutabagas. And I don’t base my doom-o-meter readings on peak oil. I base it on peak sanity. I frequently use you as an example of how dramatically humans (using the term loosely in your case) have devolved. Any species that allows offspring like you to survive is clearly fucked. I guess it runs in the family since your mother didn’t eat you at birth.

  35. Apneaman on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 2:12 pm 

    marmi, it’s already a done deal. Too late. Damage done. Just waiting on the inertia on many fronts. So spend your money now because there will be no retirement for you. You’ll be dead within 20 years max and if you make it that long the lead up is gonna be a real bitch.

  36. ghung on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 3:00 pm 

    Marmi won’t last that long. He’s too good at making enemies.

  37. Apneaman on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 4:26 pm 

    Rapid Acceleration in Sea Level Rise — From 2009 Through October 2015, Global Oceans Have Risen by 5 Millimeters Per Year

  38. theedrich on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 4:49 pm 

    Ah!  More coprolites from the man-ape and his compatriot, Greggie Tinybrain.  (We can forget the absurd Uruguayan Pee.)  Amazing what the Stalinist state to our north does to suffocate intelligence.  They know nothing of the long, sad history of scientific innovators who were rejected by the Official Science or dominant religion of their time — Ignaz Semmelweiss with his proof of the success of prophylaxis in obstretrics, Alfred Wegener and his theory of continental drift and, of course, Charles Darwin being only three of the more spectacular cases.  The combined work of Ernst Haeckel, Rupert Sheldrake and Ian Stevenson — not to mention others who keep quiet for fear of professional retribution — has shown brilliantly the operation of morphic resonance as the underlying dynamic of biology and, hence, the cosmos.  Obviously the Canuck anti-Whites are afraid that the truth might upset their precariously balanced mental states — ay?

    The ancient Greeks had a saying to the effect that man learns through suffering alone.  With their lust for ignorance, not even suffering will convert the man-ape and Greggie.  Their hatred for the White race is driving them willy-nilly to promote the logical consequence of Christianity — the death of the planet.  Hence the body waste they spew here.

  39. Apneaman on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 5:06 pm 

    What’s Causing Deadly Outbreaks of
    Fungal Diseases in World’s Wildlife?

  40. Apneaman on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 5:20 pm 

    Douche, what about ancient aliens and crop circles and atlantis? Are they all real too you fucking white trash cockroach? Go listen to the joe rogan show some more.

  41. sidzepp on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 5:24 pm 

    The dramatic increase in human population the last two centuries is because of the technological, scientific, and economic progress of the “west” during that time. They fueled their rapid growing economies with their exploitation of colonies. Now that part of the third world is growing up and utilizing the same methods that the west did in the creation of ‘Utopian States’ we in the west raise alarm at the harms that humans are causing to the environment. As environmental problems increase those that have will attempt to preserve their status quo and create conflicts in many areas in the developing world. And as long as we continue a business model based on consumerism we will be doomed.

  42. Apneaman on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 5:24 pm 

    Hey douchy, why not chip in a couple bucks for a good cause?

    Sponsor a refugee

    The Government of Canada is working with Canadians to welcome 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada. Find out how Canada is helping Syrian refugees and what Canadians can do to help.

  43. Apneaman on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 7:46 pm 

    Sea food. A third of the world gets their protein from it. No big loss – there will be plenty of ape protein to substitute…….for a little while.

    The Atlantic Ocean Is Acidifying at a Rapid Rate
    A new study finds it’s absorbing 50 percent more carbon than it was a decade ago, and that could have dire consequences for dolphins, whales, and other marine life.

    “Our use of fossil fuels isn’t only causing the climate to change but also affects the oceans by decreasing the pH.”

    “Decreasing pH in seawater can harm the ability of shelled organisms, from microscopic coccolithophores to the oysters and clams that show up on our dinner plates, to build and maintain their bony exteriors.”

  44. Apneaman on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 7:54 pm 

    Two 3rd world countries with similar issues.

    Residents of Mumbai Can Barely See As a Massive Weeklong Garbage Fire Burns

    “There are human-garbage fires, and there are garbage-garbage fires — and the blaze at Mumbia’s Deonar landfill is the latter. The fire, which has been smoldering since January 27, is so big that NASA’s Landsat 8 satellite was able to capture its image from space. According to The Wall Street Journal, the Deonar landfill receives between one-third and three-quarters of the trash from the city of 21 million people. Firefighters and bulldozers have been fighting to contain the fire, but the air quality in Mumbai is still so bad that more than 70 schools have reportedly been closed. Residents have been tweeting photos of nearly opaque skies all week.”

    St. Louis anxious about EPA plan for barrier between fire, toxic waste
    Statement on barrier between underground fire and radioactive waste comes after study shows contamination is spreading

    “Those living near a landfill complex in suburban St. Louis where an underground fire is burning near Cold War-era nuclear weapons waste say they remain afraid and frustrated despite a government pledge to build a barrier between the two.

    In the past, tests have found radioactive materials in the complex that were previously unknown to regulators, raising fears that the extent of the contamination — in terms of severity and location — remains unclear.”

  45. Apneaman on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 7:59 pm 

    “Given the heat energy building up in Earth’s natural systems from greenhouse gas emissions, we shouldn’t expect anything different. In the end, it’s really just a matter of physics.

    Moreover, fully 90 percent of the heat energy our activities are generating has been going into the oceans. How much energy are we talking about?

    To help Arctic Frontiers’ conferees wrap their heads around that question, a geoscientist at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory offered a startling comparison. Citing recent research, Peter Schlosser noted that since 1997, the heat energy going into the oceans has been equivalent to “one Hiroshima-sized atom bomb being exploded every second for 75 years.”

    The result: an increasingly “blue Arctic” whose relatively dark waters (compared to white sea ice) are helping to amplify warming in the high north even further. And this, in turn, is possibly contributing to extreme events like the brutal winter weather that parts of the United States have endured in recent years.”

    it’s really just a matter of physics

    it’s really just a matter of physics

    it’s really just a matter of physics

  46. Apneaman on Thu, 4th Feb 2016 8:05 pm 

    Colombia confirms first three deaths of patients infected with Zika virus
    Patients had contracted a seemingly related disease that attacks the nervous system and causes paralysis, and another two deaths were still unconfirmed

    Wait til a few middle class white people in the US get fucked up by this. The panic will be epic…………as per usual.

  47. theedrich on Fri, 5th Feb 2016 6:24 am 

    Again we see the anti-White man-ape has nothing better to do than troll the net, bottom-feeding on droppings he imagines will somehow enhance his credibility.  When he cherry-picks twaddle that purports to be sciency or academic, he shows he knows nothing about the duplicity, plagiarism and outright fraud so frequently found among the sources of his propaganda.  Nor can he recognize the falsity of the assumptions that control the government funding of research.

    Everywhere in taxpayer-supported schemes today, there is increasing panic and competition for the dwindling pool of dollars available for “research.”  This is especially evident in the social “sciences,” which since Margaret Mead have been a prime field for fraud.  Since most of the easy findings have long since been made, many of the publications from the publish-or-perish crowd are taking on a quasi-religious tinge, if not veering into sci-fi entertainment.  In physics, String Theory was promised to wipe every tear from a maiden’s eye with a Theory of Everything.  Alas, it was not to be, and the TOE has wandered into an infinite desert of unfulfillable expectations.  In space engineering, the masses are titillated with visions of Martian colonies, if only they vote to give the rocket scientists a few trillion dollars.  The newest theory to explain the quizzical integrity of galaxies and the surprising expansion of the universe is the unprovable idea of dark matter and dark energy — about which astrophysics remains completely in the dark.

    But the traditional paradigms continue to maintain their grip on the true believers.  Of such paradigms, none is so powerful, nor so blatantly false, as the fantasy that all humanoids are equal.  There are even university professors who demand that accepting ThirdWorlders into Whiteland is not enough;  “we” — i.e., you, Whitey — must now also give human rights to our biological cousins, the chimpazees and lowland gorillas.  We are, it seems, about to grant such rights, since White genosuicidists have already elected a chimpanzoid as U.S. president.  SandNegro-loving Canada will doubtless soon follow the Yankee example.

    Thus we cannot expect any fact-based information from the vacuus screeds of such as the defecating man-ape or anyone else who is captive to political correctitude, whether imposed by governments or by organizations.  All we can do is look aghast at such asylum escapees as they drive the rest of us off the cliff.

  48. kervennic on Fri, 5th Feb 2016 5:16 pm 

    Looks like cannibalism is the future of mankind. The food storage is really huge.

  49. Boat on Fri, 5th Feb 2016 6:21 pm 


    Go have your blood checked. All humans have a percentage of Neandertal. Yes you to. Your ancestors just needed the sex.

  50. Davy on Fri, 5th Feb 2016 6:49 pm 


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