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Page added on January 25, 2016

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Kunstler: The Agonies of Sensible People

Much as many people-who-ought-to-know-better have been enjoying the disruptive antics of Donald Trump, surely other cohorts and coteries have endured dark nights of the soul as they witness the 2016 election spin into a perfect storm of rebellion, corruption, and idiocy. Imagine the scenes in Michael Bloomberg’s drawing room the past eight months, the agonies of sensible people! And so after the close of business Friday comes news that the former three-time mayor of New York City is laying concrete plans to run for president on a third-party ticket. Extreme times call for extreme moves by non-extremists.

The Trump phenomenon is pretty well-understood: a politically paralyzed nation hostage to malign forces, mired in racketeering, captive to PC witch-hunters, and pitching into bankruptcy, turns to a TV clown with no filter on his angry brain and he acts out all the discontents of our time. Does anybody doubt that the perfidies of the day beg to be opposed? But those shadowy figures in Bloomberg’s drawing room must be saying, “is this the best we can do?” And so an honorable man steps forward. Someone had to.

Couple of gigantic problems. First, what about Bloomberg being Wall Street’s pet politician? To many, I suppose, Bloomberg is exactly that. I’m not so sure. While he made his multi-billion dollar fortune building a computerized information service for Wall Street, with a news service and some other apps pinned on, he was not a bankster. He consorted with them all the livelong day, day in and day out, for decades. Maybe that was bad enough. Maybe it also puts him at a very special advantage, since other public figures can only pretend to understand the esoteric rackets lately engineered in lower Manhattan.

For instance, Bloomberg must know what a CDO is, and how outfits like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs used them to swindle the taxpayers. I’m not convinced that Donald Trump could explain that to an audience if given an hour of airtime. He rarely speaks in two consecutive coherent sentences, for all his entertainment value. The next president will be on duty during the gravest and most powerful financial unwind in history, and it might be a good thing if he understood how it worked. He will probably be blamed for it in any case, but at least he will be a true mariner in a storm, not just a bigmouth passenger on the ship. Anyway, the salient question is whether the voters could ever accept him as something besides a tool of the banks?

The public that Bloomberg would have to appeal to has become a weird amalgam of cultural mutants, zombies, and special pleaders — Duck Dynasty and Straight Out of Compton meet The House of Wax. Worse, they are inflamed, not exactly disposed to weigh political fine points. They’re just out for blood against a system that has been bleeding them badly. Did I leave out some big wad of voters between the extremes who retain a few shreds of critical thought? I’m not sure they exist anymore. We’re about to find out in the months ahead. The group in Bloomberg’s drawing room may be deluding itself that there is any thread of clear thinking on the street outside. It would be very sad, if so.

I think it is fair to say that Michael Bloomberg’s success as the three-term mayor of New York City (2002 – 2013) was due almost completely to the financialization of the economy. A Niagara of money flowed into the city as banking ballooned from 5 percent to 40 percent of the US economy. As all the formerly skeezy neighborhoods of New York — the Bowery, the Meatpacking District, etc —got buffed up, the desolation in places like Utica, Dayton, Gary, and Memphis got worse. You might say New York City benefited hugely from all the assets stripped out of the flyover states. All of which is to say that that recent revival of New York City was not necessarily due to Michael Bloomberg’s genius. He presided over a very special moment in history when money was flowing in a particular way, and he went with flow.

For all that, it seems likely that he was also an able administrator as this occurred. A lot of out-front elements of city life improved visibly while he was around. Crime went down, the subways ran better, public spaces were improved. What would he be able to do in the compressive deflationary depression that I call the long emergency? Could he restore faith in authority? Could he comfort a battered public on the airwaves? Could he begin the awful task of politically deconstructing the matrix of rackets that has made it impossible for this country to move where history is taking us (smaller, finer, more local)?

Finally, on top of his Wall Street connection, Bloomberg is Jewish. (As I am.) Is the country now crazed enough to see the emergence of a Jewish Wall Streeter as the incarnation of all their hobgoblin-infested nightmares? Very possibly so, since the old left wing Progressives have adopted the Palestinians as their new pet oppressed minority du jour and have been inveighing against Israel incessantly. Well, that would be a darn shame. But that’s what you might get in a shameless land where anything goes and nothing matters.

For now, anyway, the real disrupter is turning out to be Michael Bloomberg. Finally a serious man enters the stage.


21 Comments on "Kunstler: The Agonies of Sensible People"

  1. makati1 on Mon, 25th Jan 2016 6:56 pm 

    Bloomberg honorable? Serious? Just another 1/10%er in the game.


  2. theedrich on Mon, 25th Jan 2016 10:23 pm 

    Obviously JHK thinks his tribal kinsmen are per definitionem honorable and should be kings of America.  He seems not to realize that they already are.  They are the ones who funded Ø and had their MSM pump up the White Guilt factor to get the darkie elected as the new messiah who would expunge that Guilt.  They rule Congress through campaign funding of candidates selected by them.

    No one besides Progressives is advocating the abolition of Israel so that the Mohammedans can take over.  But the Yid hammerlock on power in D.C. does not confine itself to Zionism.  Instead, the Chosenites want a quasi-Marxist paradise in which (except for themselves) the White race has gone extinct and the slums of Brazil have moved north.  Bloomberg is just another billionaire Marxist anti-White with utter contempt for democracy.  And that is why Kunstler prefers him.

  3. Anonymous on Tue, 26th Jan 2016 7:53 am 

    Yes, just what the empire needs. Another zionist wall-street insider in the ‘race’.

  4. Cloud9 on Tue, 26th Jan 2016 8:12 am 

    Bloomberg is a statist who would attempt to micromanage every aspect of our lives from the size of soft drinks we can drink to unwarranted physical searches in the public square. Such agendas always result in exponential growth of bureaucracies designed to implement the wishes of the micromanagers. More and more production is siphoned off the economy to fuel the effort. At the end of the day you wind up with an exhausted micromanager and a nefarious blow back consisting of a shadow economy rife with even more corruption. People desperate to survive will always seek work arounds. These work arounds, with every success, weaken the state and hasten its collapse.
    Bloomberg has spent millions in an effort to disarm the population. He envisions that he can control what is coming. This is the hubris of an outsized ego. He is making the same mistake the Jews made in the Weimar Republic. They and other reasonable people clamored for gun confiscation to control the street gangs and para militaries that formed up in a collapsing German economy. Bloomberg is terrified of Black people and his gun abolition agenda is an attempt to disarm Black males. In this effort he is willing to disarm the entire populace leaving the state and whoever controls it with a soul monopoly on deadly force. This eliminates the final check on governmental tyranny, we the people.
    Bloomberg will not always remain in power but the final check on governmental excess will have been destroyed. The fact is that the Jews are losing their influence in the Democratic Party. That influence is being replaced by the Nation of Islam. Go back and look at the youtube video where at the convention the DNC tried to insert the position that Jerusalem is the legitimate capital of Israel into the DNC platform.

  5. Davy on Tue, 26th Jan 2016 11:29 am 

    “Russia BBC Panorama: Kremlin demands ‘Putin corruption’ proof”

    “The Kremlin has called on the US Treasury to come up with proof after it told a BBC investigation it considered President Vladimir Putin to be corrupt.”

    “Adam Szubin, who oversees US Treasury sanctions, told BBC Panorama that the US government had known Mr Putin was corrupt for “many, many years”.

    “Mr Peskov told reporters in Moscow that the Panorama allegations would have looked like “another classic case of irresponsible journalism, if not for an official comment from a representative of the US finance ministry”.

    “In the programme, Mr Szubin spoke of how “we’ve seen [Mr Putin] enriching his friends, his close allies, and marginalising those who he doesn’t view as friends using state assets”, whether it concerned Russia’s energy wealth or state contracts. “To me, that is a picture of corruption,” he said.”

    “But he said the Russian president had been amassing secret wealth. “He supposedly draws a state salary of something like $110,000 a year. That is not an accurate statement of the man’s wealth, and he has long time training and practices in terms of how to mask his actual wealth.”

    “In 2008, President Putin personally addressed claims that he was the richest man in Europe, saying: “It’s simply rubbish. They just picked all of it out of someone’s nose and smeared it across their little papers.”

    “The Panorama programme came days after a UK public inquiry said Mr Putin had “probably” approved the murder of ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko.”

  6. GregT on Tue, 26th Jan 2016 11:43 am 

    “if not for an official comment from a representative of the US finance ministry”

    The propaganda doesn’t get much thicker than this. Hilarious and sad, at the same time.

  7. Apneaman on Tue, 26th Jan 2016 12:48 pm 

    Greg, as I pointed out last week the boy will cling to any source to push his agenda. The BCC is the mouth piece of the British establishment and BAU. Any one who follows British news knows they have no scruples. Look at the recent cover up of BBC TV personality and child fucker/rapist, Jimmy Savile – how very Catholic churchish. Not only did the BBC try and cover up Savile’s crimes after it came out, they had been covering up his child raping for decades – there’s a trustworthy source.

    “BBC accused of telling ‘more half truths and lies than the Nazis’ at SNP conference”

    Dani Garavelli: How BBC gave Savile free rein

    “There was more. Savile was a man who was hiding a huge secret, except he wasn’t really hiding it. In fact, he talked about his offending all the time, sometimes obliquely, sometimes not. His abuse was flagrant, taking place in his caravan, his flat, in BBC studios across the county and even, once, on-camera, and he alluded to it compulsively in conversation with friends and journalists. Apropos of nothing, Savile would bring up sex with underage girls, his vehement denials accompanied by a nudge nudge, wink wink to his audience. “Tourette’s of the soul,” Davies called it.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @TheScotsman on Twitter | TheScotsmanNewspaper on Facebook”

  8. Davy on Tue, 26th Jan 2016 2:12 pm 

    This boy did not make a comment on the BBC link in question. The boy just brought to attention the subject matter. I think boy who made above comment can’t stand any reporting other than his favorites which are also turds for the most part.

  9. Boat on Tue, 26th Jan 2016 3:20 pm 


    ” They are the ones who funded Ø and had their MSM pump up the White Guilt factor to get the darkie elected as the new messiah who would expunge that Guilt”

    Both Dem’s and Reb’s have healthy funding organizations. But you clearly have no idea why Obama was elected. That election was lost by Republicans for 2 main reasons. The first was over Iraq. After Mission Accomplished, the false report of Mushroom Clouds, lives and treasure lost the American public was fed up much like during Vietnam.
    Then the big crash happened and enough information leaked out how regulations under the Bush administration allowed
    mass lack of enforcement. None of this had anything to do with Obama. The presidency was handed to the Dem’s due to incompetent administration of the government.

  10. Davy on Tue, 26th Jan 2016 3:30 pm 

    some people are way ahead if they just don’t say anything.

  11. noobtube on Tue, 26th Jan 2016 3:43 pm 

    So, is now home to hate speech.

    I guess stormfront is too much competition.

  12. Davy on Tue, 26th Jan 2016 4:08 pm 

    Whenever you are around noober we get plenty of hate.

  13. noobtube on Tue, 26th Jan 2016 4:18 pm 

    But, I don’t do it based on the color of their skin.

  14. Davy on Tue, 26th Jan 2016 4:24 pm 

    Noober, good one, so we can qualify hate as good or bad based upon noober’s code of conduct.

  15. theedrich on Tue, 26th Jan 2016 11:23 pm 

    Boat: Yes, Iraq, Bush lies and the 2008 collapse assisted in getting Ø elected.  But the big emotional push to hoist the sociopath into the oval orifice was White Guilt.  Any White who resisted the idea of a Commie who wouldn’t reveal his birth records (his real father was American Negro and Communist Frank Marshall Davis who impregnated his White-Guilt-saturated mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, around early December 1960) was immediately termed a racist.  Most White Americans are terrified of that designation and will do anything to prove how genosuicidal they are — anything but “racist.”  The entire country is polluted with that modified leftover of Christian guilt (originally over sex, but redirected by the Jewish media).  Guilt is a wonderful tool of political control, as has been proven by two millennia of Christian propaganda based on the Adam-and-Even myth in Genesis.  The only thing is that, now that Christianity is waning, even the guilt device has a limited lifespan.  What is going to replace it?  Friedrich Nietzsche explained that well over a century ago:

    “What I am writing about is the history of the next two centuries.  I am describing what is coming — what can no longer come otherwise:  the rise of nihilism.”

    (Was ich erzähle, ist die Geschichte der nächsten zwei Jahrhunderte.  Ich beschreibe, was kommt, was nicht mehr anders kommen kann:  die Heraufkunft des Nihilismus.

     — Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche:  Der Wille zur Macht:  Versuch einer Umwerthung aller Werthe I – Kapitel 3 [Aus dem Nachlaß 1884/88])

    Neither you nor any of your like-minded mob have any idea what nihilism means — the loss of all values, including your beloved White Guilt of “racists” for all the sins of the world.  You cannot with impunity play tricks with the truth forever.  We are at Peak Everything even now.  After a few more years of decline, loss, the ongoing suicide of White males out of despair, the massive influx of ThirdWorld parasites and your sociopathic hatred of Whites, the political climate must of necessity change.  We will then see whether your anti-White dictatorship can maintain its hold over a civilization in its death throes.

  16. Apneaman on Wed, 27th Jan 2016 12:25 am 

    douchy the pitiful loser. Why not shoot yourself in the head and put yourself out of your misery? Invisible bottom feeder piece of shit like you won’t be missed. One less SNAP card to send out is all. The suicides are just evolution in action. Why blame it on others when nature is simply discarding the mouth breather like it always does?

  17. theedrich on Wed, 27th Jan 2016 12:41 am 

    Ah, again the fetid sasquatch who haunts the Hongcouver outskirts.  Since you hate Whites so much, Man-ape, why not migrate to some Third World commode where you can enjoy the benefits of the high cultures there?  Perhaps a little cannibalism, maybe some decapitation of infidels, or simply a primitive hovel far from the amenities of evil Whites.  I’m sure the natives would love to have you.  Maybe for dinner.

  18. Apneaman on Wed, 27th Jan 2016 12:55 am 

    Migrate to some Third World commode? I already did that once – the US for 7 years. Once was enough. How’s the drinking water at your 3rd world village douch? Maybe all that psudo science koolaid you been drinking was mixed with some lead laced tap water? Would explain the delusional thinking.

    US authorities distorting tests to downplay lead content of water
    Exclusive: Documents seen by the Guardian reveal questionable practices that mean people’s drinking water is at risk in ‘every major city east of the Mississippi’

    Lead poisoning strikes another US town

    Ever wonder how much shit there is you don’t know about that they are covering up?

  19. makati1 on Wed, 27th Jan 2016 1:46 am 

    Ap, you are going to ruin his delusions if you keep pointing out facts. LOL

  20. JuanP on Wed, 27th Jan 2016 2:01 am 

    Lead poisoning could explain some of theedouche’s symptoms! 😉

    I recently watched a BBC nature documentary on Monarch butterflies. It was OK. Would I watch a BBC propaganda piece on Putin? I don’t need any more Western MSM brainwashing, so no thanks! But if I were a delusional American exceptionalist Putin hater living in denial I probably would. We all need validation after all! 😉

  21. Fulton J. Waterloo on Wed, 27th Jan 2016 11:45 am 

    James, you do not get the problem we “goyim” have with Jews. It is when we are told we should not be allowed to own guns, or even have a “Big Gulp,” but aborting a child is a “precious constitutional right.” In other words (in all seriousness) your “kinsmen” are MORALLY INSANE….Money has little if anything to do with it.

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